Carlos Latuff(@LatuffCartoons)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

.@AJEnglish Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by Israeli forces today in #Palestine. Unarmed protesters, paramedics and journalists have been targeted by Israeli snipers. These war crimes are unpunished, covered up by the White House. @Mondoweiss
.@AJEnglish Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot dead by Israeli forces today in #Palestine. Unarmed protesters, paramedic teams and journalists have been targeted by Israeli snipers. These war crimes are unpunished, covered up by the White House.
A profa. Luciana defendeu estudantes que fizeram trabalho denunciando violência policial. Foi exonerada. Seus alunos chegaram a ser ameaçados DENTRO da escola por PMs! "Escola cívico-militar" traz pra dentro da sala de aula o mesmo comportamento abusivo da polícia nas ruas.
On this Mother's Day, my sincere tribute to Palestinian mothers, prevented from celebrating this day with their sons and daughters because of Israeli apartheid.
Tô com @LulaOficial
Numa democracia de verdade, militares não tutelam eleições. MILICO NÃO DÁ PALPITE @brasil247
If you intend to defend Palestinians, prepare for the worst! You'll be targeted with smear campaigns by pro-#Israel Lobby, labeling you as "anti-Semite", you could lose your job, be prosecuted, even physically assaulted! Defending Palestinians is, above all, an act of courage!
Except Palestine, of course.…
What's the Arab world doing while #Israel invades al-Aqsa mosque with soldiers and tear gas, attacking worshipers? @MintPressNews
March 7: #Pakistan's PM Imran Khan criticizing foreign diplomats who pressured his country to join a UN resolution condemning #Russia: "What do you think of us? Are we your slaves that whatever you say, we will do?" April 10: Imran Khan ousted as Pakistan's PM  @MintPressNews
عاشت المقاومة الفلسطينية #Jenin #Palestine
Look who's lecturing #Russia about human rights at UN... @redfishstream #UkraineRussianWar #Ukraine
Sign the petition! @Spotify: Do not buckle to pressure from the #Israel lobby to deplatform @Lowkey0nline… @MintPressNews
This is the freedom of expression defended by the West regarding the war in #Ukraine. @redfishstream
@DefesaGovBr A ditadura militar no Brasil torturou, matou e desapareceu com os corpos. Se estivéssemos numa nação de verdade e não uma republiqueta de bananas, os responsáveis por estas atrocidades deveriam ter sido julgados, presos e impedidos de fazer apologia ao golpe.
If Harry Truman bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Lyndon Johnson bombed Vietnam, George W. Bush bombed Iraq, Barack Obama bombed Syria, why can't Putin bomb Ukraine? Only the White House has the prerogative to bomb other countries?
When will Palestinians have the same right to self-defense that the US defends in #Ukraine? @MintPressNews
Meanwhile, in #Yemen... - Hey, Mohammed! What are you doing with an Ukrainian child mask? - Maybe this way I can touch the Western mainstream media... #Ukraine️ #UkraineRussiaWar @brasil247
Yet another display of Western hypocrisy, cheering the boycott of #Russia over the war in #Ukraine, but condemns and accuses of "anti-Semitic" boycott campaigns against #Israel regarding the brutal apartheid imposed on Palestinians.… @Mondoweiss
Funny how Biden accuses Putin of war crimes, when the state Biden represents has already committed all kinds of war crimes and never been punished for it. @MintPressNews #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar
Fora Dilma né? Gasolina cara né? Faz arminha com a mão que a gasolina baixa! @brasil247
Then-US President Barack Obama once referred to White House-funded extremists in #Syria as "moderate rebels". And now? How will Joe Biden refer to the Nazi militias in #Ukraine, armed by the US, EU and NATO? "Moderate Nazis"? @MintPressNews #UkraineRussiaWar
War in #Ukraine: a good opportunity for #Israel to boost the colonization of #Palestine. @Mondoweiss
#InternationalWomensDay Mother #Palestine ♀️🇵🇸