東京に台湾がやってきた! 今年の #FOODEX JAPAN の #台湾パビリオン は、海外パビリオンとして第2の規模を誇ります。台湾の各県や市の首長も自ら会場入りし、台湾の特色ある食品をたくさん紹介しています。 ぜひ東京ビッグサイトに足をお運びください!
On behalf of the people of #Taiwan, I’d like to extend a sincere welcome to #CzechRepublic @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos & all the members of the delegation. Our nations share many core values & we look forward to furthering cooperation in all areas.
During an interview with Ku, I was asked if Taiwan still wants to participate in the @WHO after being unfairly excluded in the past. This was my answer. Full interview: youtu.be/s0E2B5k8-f0
It was a pleasure reuniting with good friends from the US at my home last night. All of us, including my dogs, are committed to building a stronger Taiwan-US partnership for the benefit of our peoples & pets.
Unconditional generosity is ingrained in the #Taiwanese DNA. To contribute to the fight against #COVID19, our new government initiative allows citizens to donate their unused face mask quota to countries in need, gifts from the heart & one more way to show that #TaiwanCanHelp. twitter.com/audreyt/status…
We activated the @Taiwan_CDC’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) back in January, and I visited them today to thank our unsung heroes for their non-stop, #AllHandsOnDeck efforts to contain the #COVID19 outbreak & keep the people of #Taiwan safe.
I’m deeply saddened by the news of the attack at the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice. Taiwan stands with the people of France at this trying time, & supports their values of freedom & diversity.
Thank you @guywittich for years of dedication to strengthening #Taiwan-#Netherlands bilateral relations & cooperation. I hope you’ll take some of our world-famous Taiwan tea back home with you, because it goes so well with your delicious stroopwafel. Bedankt!
今日は日本からの来客が相次ぎました。山東昭子前参院議長や鈴木憲和衆院議員がそれぞれ訪問団を率いて総統府にいらっしゃり、素晴らしいお土産もいただきました。私は、双方が今後も経済連携や地域の平和と安定を守るための協力を深めていくことで #台日友好 を私たちの日常にできると信じています。 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Thank you @SecAzar! Your visit to #Taiwan was highly productive & took the Taiwan-US partnership to even greater heights. Our collaboration is a significant step toward defeating #COVID19 & improving the wellbeing of those in our nations & around the world. twitter.com/SecAzar/status…
We are setting up an official representative office in #AixEnProvence! The new office will facilitate #Taiwan-#France cooperation in culture, tourism, business, innovation, education, & many other areas. Je me réjouis des progrès continus des relations franco-taïwanaises!
@TheEllenShow Thank you, Ellen! I am proud to serve this country where #LoveWins, so everyone has the right to marry. Everyone!
I thank our Human Rights Consultative Committee for their 10-year dedication to strengthening human rights guarantees & education, paving the way for the National Human Rights Commission to guide #Taiwan as we continue our quest to realize our highest ideals as a model democracy.
Each day, I am proud to call #Taiwan my home and honoured to serve as Taiwan’s President. Join me in saluting our nation’s 108th anniversary with a look at some of the festivities. ⚡️ “🇹🇼 2019 National Day 🇹🇼” twitter.com/i/moments/1182…
地震ニモマケズ台風ニモマケズ、台湾と日本には助け合う特別な絆がありますが、その台湾についてもっと知りませんか。文化総会の企画で台湾を紹介する「台湾のひみつ」が出版されました。小学生向けですが、誰でも楽しく読めます。ぜひ読んでみて、学校でも使ってください! bit.ly/2RvKHkZ
完全版の動画は私のYoutubeチャンネルで、字幕をONにしてご覧ください。 youtube.com/watch?v=WJEWyl…
Taiwan’s story is one of unity, diversity, & a refusal to succumb to adversity. This is the message of our inauguration ceremony’s visual theme, a tribute to the strength of our democracy & our determination to engage with the world.
The heroes serving in our military make valuable contributions to #Taiwan every day. No matter where you are stationed or how you serve, we recognize & appreciate the hard work you put in to keep us all safe.
Amid a limited global supply of vaccines, I'm grateful to our diplomats for working tirelessly under challenging circumstances to ensure the health of all #Taiwanese. Let’s stay united & support our frontline workers so we can overcome this challenge.
2020 🇹🇼 #TaiwanNationalDay celebrations are underway! Our vibrant democracy will shine today through exciting performances by artists, musicians, & the military, & I'll deliver an address reflecting the will of the people. Join us via live stream here: twitter.com/iingwen/status…
Thank you to the #US for this moving gesture of friendship. These vaccines will go a long way toward keeping #Taiwan safe & healthy. twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/…