這個獸人系列一開始我創造的所有角色......(熊還沒加入,狼看起來超級兇😄) When I started this anthro project, all the characters I built...... (The bear hasn’t come yet, and the wolf looks very serious lol) #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / Open day 狼X熊 PS. Wolf is the landlord of the fox #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / Open day 狼X熊🥐 #Original
Fox and tiger with cup noodles/他們是住在一起的(狼X熊有) #Original
\Special service/感謝大家的追蹤和支持! #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / New book <Open day> and 🔞Sticker !🙌 CWT54(2/1,2/2)首賣-3F 2days in B04,B05 #Original #CWT54
8+9 Sketch / Nai.......It's too sad bro 🥲 #TRIGUNSTAMPEDE #trigun #trigun_stampede
Fox and tiger with cup noodle / chapter 3 #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 遲到的萬聖節🎃 (中文/English) #Original
Fox and Tiger 🍜Wolf and bear ☕ Character setting and relationship chart <狼與熊與咖啡><狐與虎與泡麵>的角色設定和關係圖 #Original
Thank you for commissioning me hosun! 【Summer Festival ♂ Choosing a Companion】 ⚠委託已滿暫不開放/Appointment is full ⚠無断転載禁止/Please do not reprint #commission
Devil's bride / Pink Crocodile Day粉紅鱷魚日-枯草X翠叢 Every spring 翠叢 will transform into a crocodile and then ...... #原創BL #Original
Fox and tiger with cup noodle / chapter 2 #Original
100 days of practice Kakashi #NARUTO #はたけカカシ #習作 *動作參考有
I love my boys forever!Free download to all those who love Vash and Wolfwood. 我愛同盟組...就像...永遠❤ #TRIGUN #トライガン
Wolf and bear with cafe / I think the boss really likes me. (English/中文) #Original
🔞Thanks for commission ! @aei6697788 🚫無断転載禁止/Please do not reprint without my permission #commission
#shirtcutmeme #OC [ABO的腦洞]Shirt cut meme 翠叢和闇棘的奶子
Fox and tiger with cup noodles #Original