Wolf and bear with cafe / chapte 0 #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / chapte 1 #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / chapte 2 #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / photography by 柟樗 : plurk.com/p/mtzsnb / plurk.com/p/nee5cx #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / I think the boss really likes me. (English/中文) #Original
How to ride a centaur? #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 狼X熊注意!肉渣! (中文/English) #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 狼X熊陷下去了 (中文/English) #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 狼X熊🔞🔞🔞 #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 狼X熊事後咖啡 #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 狼X熊親親 #Original
這個獸人系列一開始我創造的所有角色......(熊還沒加入,狼看起來超級兇😄) When I started this anthro project, all the characters I built...... (The bear hasn’t come yet, and the wolf looks very serious lol) #Original
Fox and tiger with cup noodles #Original
Fox and tiger with cup noodles/他們是住在一起的(狼X熊有) #Original
Wolf and bear with cafe / 遲到的萬聖節🎃 (中文/English) #Original
☕🍜🍽🍽🍽 #Original
Fox and tiger with cup noodles/迫近中Approach #Original
\Special service/感謝大家的追蹤和支持! #Original
Fox and tiger with cup noodles/幸運星Lucky star #Original
Fox&Tiger / Color chart: 鷃藍#C100M68Y32K20+霽青#C74M02Y24K00 #Original
Fox&Tiger / Color chart: 鋅灰#C48M45Y40K26+繭黃#C01M19Y66K00 #Original
Fox&Tiger / Color chart: 竹綠#C96M00Y64K00+晶紅#C00M48Y15K00 #Original
Fox&Tiger / Color chart: 鹿皮褐#C07M52Y71K01+中灰駝#C37M72Y72K52 #Original
Fox&Tiger / Color chart: 金盞黃#C00M29Y95K00+風信紫#C21M37Y12K00 #Original
Fox&Tiger / Color chart: 螺甸紫#C63M53Y22K05+星藍#C53M19Y15K01 #Original