I will try my best to think of ASMR ideas 🙏
Goodmorning ^^
@luca_kaneshiro YAAAAY Luca senpai hope you get well quick too 💕❤️‍🩹
Goodnight ^^
Waiting room for tomorrow stream ^^ youtu.be/KTu19pL5mso
WE GOT OVER IT IN ONE STREAM!!!!!!!!! Also thank you so much for 250k subs 😭 twitter.com/shenmaruu/stat…
@luca_kaneshiro I did it Luca senpai
Goodmorning ^^
Maria sleep time 💤 goodnight!! おやすみー
@Yugo_Asuma 유고니찬 너무좋아
@Yugo_Asuma Yugo niichan teacher!!
I want to learn Korean 안녕 저는마리아입니다
Good morning ^^
Weeeeeee Waiting room for tomorrow is up :D youtu.be/YkPg5xYnMLw Maria Sleep now night night
Schedule for the week~ (August 1st-7th) General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
I want to get better at fps games >A<
Let’s go round two for the day! twitter.com/MariaMari0nett…
Maria had too much fun am in the gaming mood so Apex guerrilla stream? youtu.be/b-9ZeOh3uCo <- sooo waiting room link
Maria sleepy but GOOD MORNING
Eyes closed Brain awake
Maria brain going brrrrrrr Too excited for ILUNA collab
Maria sleep time! おやすみ🌙
Yugo niichan 🥺 面白かった #YugoOnAir