Bless the Eveland 🙏
Ascending rn
Brb crying cuz of Ike senpai's beautiful singing 😭
Schedule for the week~ (August 8th-14th) General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
Otsumariring~ Was fun pew pew gaming today ^^ now I patiently wait for Ike-senpai’s karaoke stream 👀
Vocal chords warmed
Good morning
I already slept for 2 hrs and realised I forgot to say goodnight so Goodnight ❤️‍🩹
Apex Waiting Room! 3PM JST | 2AM EST | 6AM GMT
I want to hear asters sneeze someone please clip it
I drew little chef hats for the stream today :D
Wah good morning :D I got over 1000 tweets without me even realising it
I drew another emote :D Will upload before the stream today 💕
I just watched a video of a tiny angry frog squeaking replaced with Mari noises I didn’t realise it was fine with the first noise
Just in case you guys thought I actually went for a run, I just went to get McDonald’s 👌 Mysta senpai I got them chicken nuggies…
I couldn’t fall asleep so i went for a maccas run in the middle of the night
Goodnight ❤️‍🩹
Waiting Room for tomorrows Collab stream~ 12PM JST | 11PM EST | 3AM GMT…
@RenZott0 Ren that’s a doggo but still cute
Cats are so cute 🥺 anyone got cute cat pics?
Trying to think of something interesting to tweet…