Sofia Ukraini(@SlavaUk30722777)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

🇺🇦A child painted this to thank the 🇩🇪 family that took them in❤️
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 291 in Ukraine and I love the spirit of Repair Together, who continues rebuilding homes that were destroyed. While russia spread destruction and horror, the team return life to the places where the invaders tried to destroy it♥️
🇺🇦I just came across 75 year old Fuminori Tsuchiko from Japan. When the war started he didn't go home but instead helped the people in Kharkiv #Ukraine with food and toys for the kids. Please support him if you can. Much love to this nice fellow❤️ @OR2v2
🇺🇦This little girls that screams with joy after getting a new hat warms my heart❤️ Thanks to Hope for #Ukraine, you guys are awesome!
I love stories like this🥰 Thousands of Bosnian children whose parents remember the 1992-5 Bosnian war have sent gifts to the children of Ukraine♥️…
🇺🇦Boys will be boys❤️
🇺🇦Ok, this is the cutest thing I've seen in a while, kids in #Ukraine get special birthday surprises🥰
🇺🇦This is Roman who is in Bakhmut #Ukraine He tells of an army that come like zombies
I want to teach you a new word today. ДЕТИ it means CHILDREN in russian. 1 year ago today, hundreds were in that theatre in Mariupol Ukraine💔 I figure its a good idea to spread awareness of that word, since they cant seem to understand their own language. Or maybe they do...
🇺🇦I love these kids singing our national anthem in front of the ruzzian embassy in Berlin❤️ #UkraineWillWin
Did you know there are some good russians? We have 3 battalions of them fighting on our side. Freedom of Russia Legion's sworn goal is to defend Ukraine, restore Ukraine's 1991 borders including Crimea, Donetsk & Luhansk and to topple putin's regime👍
🇺🇦Current Mood in Ukraine=🔥
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 261 in #Ukraine and my inbox is filled with hate thanks to all the good news from #Kherson🔥 So i will just leave this special message for our dear orcs❤️ Tell me of their cope to brighten up my day🌞
🇺🇦Witch tells the story of the Bakhmut Asphalt Plant❤️
Schoolgirls in #Iran chase off director of education. They chant “Bisharaf!” which is an insult in Persian meaning dishonorable and unethical
🇺🇦Happy Birthday Kira💝 Recently she was wounded and lost one of her team members. She writes: Today is my birthday. Which because of recent events, I'm not celebrating. But if you want to congratulate me, you can do it by donating to the unit in the bio…
🇺🇦People were just crying when they saw the Armed Forces of #Ukraine after they liberated Sviatohirsk❤️
@DarthPutinKGB Did you see this? Lavrov at Raisina Dialogue said "This war which was launched against us" and everyone started laughing😆
🇺🇦Everything will be good! ~Anet❤️
🇺🇸Jennifer an American medic in Ukraine says putin is an old goat without balls😆
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 246 in #Ukraine and i want to share with you a special message from the children in Trostyanets "War Is Your Name"💔
🇺🇦We can’t choose the music that life gives us, but we can choose how to dance to it❤️
🇺🇦Children that were kidnapped from Kherson were returned to #Ukraine. Translation from the interview of one of the kids
🇺🇦Good Morning, its day 206 and i would like to show you the flags of all the volunteers serving in #Ukraine️ Do you see yours? We❤️You!
🇺🇦In the village of Moshun near Hostomel, its so heavily bombed that almost no house is left intact. Franky And Coen went there yesterday to provide free food for the people there❤️ If you would like to support them, i have left a link