Sofia Ukraini(@SlavaUk30722777)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

🇺🇦Good morning, its day 247 in #Ukraine and these are Motanka dolls, an ancient part of our folk culture and magical beliefs dating back several thousand years. They protect a home, a newborn, newlyweds, soldiers, children. They are pretty useful!❤️ Do you have a special doll?
🇺🇦One moment of Kira's life. She has performed more than 300 evacuations just like this one. If you can help with medical supplies. Link is in the comments. Much love❤️
🇺🇦This is Poludnytsya, and are women that died in the fields beneath the midday sun, who are cursed to protect the field and avenge their death. If you are working through your lunch hour, while the sun is high, she will visit you, dealing out your punishment☠️
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 248 in #Ukraine and as a gesture of goodwill, I would like to give the russians a peace offering❤️‍🔥 🎨Lovely art by Sergey Zabelin
Sucks to be a you😛
🇺🇦It looks like we hit another milestone with over 70,000 less occupiers and have destroyed 2659 tanks. Just today, they lost more tanks than Belarus gave them. If you add all military equipment up, it is over 15,000. Is it not time you went home and licked your wounds?
🇺🇦Ukraine is unbreakable. We will win! That is all. Good Night Everyone❤️
🇺🇦It Will Bloom like a Vine in the Sun🌞
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 250 in #Ukraine Happy Halloween! Happy Veles Night! A Ukrainian tradition where we jump over fires that goes back to the 9th century, where borders between the spirit world became thinner and we welcomed the souls of our dead family members to our homes❤️
☠️Happy Halloween russia from Ukraine☠️
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 251 in #Ukraine and i want to show you Mokosh, a Slavic Mother goddess and protector of women's destiny. She watches over spinning and weaving, shearing of sheep, crops, sexuality and protects women in childbirth❤️ 🎨Lovely art by Oksanka Bersan
🇺🇦The Armed Forces of Ukraine are Unstoppable❤️🍉
🇺🇦And now for something completely different. Come for a walk with me inside this lovely ginger bread shop😊❤️
🇺🇦World foundation for Ukraine made an amazing 1400 km road trip to Donbas delivering medical supplies and food to local residents affected by the war. I have edited this video for them to show you. If you would like to help out, this is their site❤️…
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 252 in #Ukraine and i will start the day with some puppy kisses🥰❤️ Kiss is, поцілунок (potsilunok) What do you call it?
🇺🇦Ukraine has some of the best female electronic music DJ's, Of course I'm biased🥰 but i want to show you my fav 12 and you can decide for yourself❤️ Link your fav DJ's in the comments, i love to find new music🔥 Also thanks to @MargoGontar for giving me this idea💕
🇺🇦This was just too cute not to share❤️ Our boys rescued Simba😊
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 253 in #Ukraine and after yesterdays post about electronic music, I'm going to go the complete opposite and show you one of our oldest instruments, the Tsymbaly. Such is life when subscribed to Sofia's random facts🙃❤️ Do you play an instrument?
My friend asked me to share this, i think its🔥 🇺🇦Welcome to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini Суки!❤️…
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 254 in #Ukraine and did you know we have some awesome Castles? Kamianets Podilskyi was the backdrop to this lovely music video by Navka. It has such positive vibes, I'm going to dance to it to wake up❤️ What gets you out of bed every day?
🇺🇦I saw this little cutie a few months ago raising money for the armed forces, but it was only a short clip. I have found this much longer one now and i had the biggest grin so i just had to share❤️
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 255 in #Ukraine and while everyone is talking about hair and eye colors, I just want to say mine are blue and yellow in my heart❤️
🇺🇦Locals welcoming the Armed Forces of Ukraine❤️
🇺🇦Would you like to see a different kind of drone video?❤️😊
🇺🇦Good night lovely people from all over the world, have a nice Saturday evening, and may the skies be protected for all Ukrainians tonight❤️