
The Salt, with you, may it be! Together with "ARTEMSIL" SE, we have released a batch of iodized salt in special packaging. There are only 500 packs and they're not for sale. You can get it by taking part in the charity fundraiser: send.monobank.ua/jar/5qHs7hHMWn #united24
"We’re with you today, we’re with you always." We can watch Matt Damon's appeal to his "brothers and sisters in Ukraine" over and over again. Thanks for your support from New York, Matt! #StandWithUkraine
“Your care for one another has touched the world. You are showing the world the strength of love. The hatred at your doorstep won’t last long. It cannot survive.” Tommy Lee Jones recorded a moving address to Ukrainians, which can never be wiped from memory. Thank you, Mr. Jones!
Ukraine needs drones. Air, surface and underwater. Professional and amateur. For reconnaissance purposes and other tasks. @MarkHamill, ambassador for #united24 and the #armyofdrones, reiterated this in an interview with Piers Morgan. #dronate
It's final: we're launching a #NAFO fundraiser for the naval drones! Our friends from NAFO, who have been actively supporting #Ukraine and #united24 for many months, can now raise funds for their own special NAFO drone (maybe, even more😉). And name it, of course.
The day has come, #Fellas: we’re launching the second #NAFO fundraiser to assemble The Flyin’ Fellas #SquaDrone! This time, for the aerial ones — 240 FPV (First Person View) attack drones — 10 for each month of suffering🇷🇺invaders brought to our land: u24.gov.ua/news/nafo_squa…
You did it, you magnificent doggos! As of this morning, $255,546 for the #NAFOdrone has been raised! Thank you to every fella for making this happen, for every #nafofleet, every donation. Raccoon’s Revenge is non-negotiable, thanks to each one of you.
Today🇷🇺launched 84 missiles and 24 kamikaze drones on🇺🇦. The enemy is taking its own weakness on the frontline, and turning it into spiteful revenge towards peaceful people. This is a list of targets that🇷🇺"high-precision" weapons have hit in Kyiv alone👇🏽 #UkraineUnderAttaсk
Ukraine is creating the world's first Fleet of Naval Drones — so, we are launching our biggest fundraiser yet🔥It will protect the🇺🇦waters, prevent cities from being struck by missiles, and also help unlock corridors for civilian ships that transport grain. #FleetOfNavalDrones
President @ZelenskyyUa recorded an address to each and every one of you. These are heartfelt words of thanks, to all who share the victory path with Ukrainians. Your donations made via U24 allowed us purchase ambulances, demining equipment, reconnaissance drones and much more.
🖊️@ZelenskyyUa personally signed a letter of gratitude to our regular donors🇺🇦 Today, thousands of people worldwide, who became members of the 24 Friends of Ukraine by subscribing to a $24 monthly donation via #united24, will find this letter in their inboxes. #StandWithUkraine
Children of the Ukrainian military adore #StarWars. So, they asked @MarkHamill what his favorite film is from the saga. Listen to Mark’s answer to the Ukrainian defenders during their meeting. u24.gov.ua/dronation
We’ve got a once-in-a-lifetime proposal for you #Fellas out there. We know about your continuous and generous support of🇺🇦,so feel like it should become something historical. Let's commemorate it by naming one of our naval drones a #NAFO drone. Here’s the deal👇 @Official_NAFO
The world didn’t need yet another reason to admire Eva Green, but we received one! The French actress sent in a touching video message. Such sincere gestures of support give us confidence that the world won't forget about Ukraine until our victory. Thank you, Eva!
⚡️@richardbranson , world-renowned entrepreneur and founder of @Virgin and @VirginUnite, is now a #UNITED24 Ambassador! Branson discussed the details of his cooperation with @ZelenskyyUa , during an in-person meeting in Kyiv. u24.gov.ua
This one's so good, no one can resist tweeting it💪🏽 Thank you, @MarkHamill! twitter.com/MarkHamill/sta…
This video was shot in Kyiv — a city plunged into complete darkness by🇷🇺shelling. Streets and squares, apartments and offices; schools, cafes, stadiums. It is dark everywhere. And it is still dark in hospitals, where heroic Ukrainian doctors have to operate by flashlight.
Stars from around the world have recorded addresses in support of Ukraine on the eve of the full-scale🇷🇺invasion anniversary. @BUlvaeus, a member of the legendary @ABBA, sent us an incredibly touching recording from Stockholm🇸🇪 Thanks for laying all your love on Ukraine💛💙
#UNITED24 donors can finally win one of 10 #StarWars posters signed by @MarkHamill! Our Ambassador has autographed 10 posters featuring the X-wing Fighter; the very same Fighter used by Luke Skywalker to destroy the Death Star. Proceeds will go towards RQ-35 Heidrun drones.
🇷🇺kidnapps young Ukrainians from occupied territories, violating international law. Ukraine has managed to return only 96 of these kids, but keeps fighting for every child. It’s important not to remain silent. 🇷🇺is responsible for all of these crippled lives. #StandWithUkraine
You can’t not love the man💛💙
“You can't win a war without drones,” @MarkHamill said on @CNN when talking about his fundraiser for RQ‑35 Heidrun reconnaissance UAVs. Our ambassador has already raised over $645,000. Mark also talked about his online meeting with the Ukrainian military.
#NAFOdrone update: 🔥$240,102 raised 🔥2637 donations made 🔥$9,898 to go Less than 10k remains until #NAFOfellas have their own representation in the Ukrainian #FleetOfNavalDrones. How awesome is that? Thanks for chipping in: u24.gov.ua/news/nafo
“The whole world is watching in awe of your courage, of your honor, of your strength. And you are fighting for all of us — for the right to live peacefully” Ethan Hawke thanked Ukrainians for fighting for values of the entire democratic world. Thank you, Ethan! #StandWithUkraine
Our incredible ambassador, @MarkHamill, recorded his address to Ukrainians. Such encouraging words! With this kind of support the Force will always be with us. Thank you, Mark! Make the Force grow stronger: u24.gov.ua/dronation