SOS🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣The program went to interview people who did not watch the yuzu live competition LOL and then let them watch LAMFOOOO🤣the bgm😆
Yuzu we love you from all over the world. #FanyusOnlyLoveYuzuForever #羽生結弦
【AERA—飛躍の原動力】 Q:How do u think abt failure&mistakes? Yuzu:"It is often said that "failure is the mother of success". I don't think so. Failure is failure.
10.3 AERA (I)Like a tuna, swimming until death, something like that. But that's what I thought. There were many times when I couldn't skate for months after I sprained my ankle, and I really didn't feel alive at that time.
His Chinese so adorable 😭I love you so much and thank you so much 😭I can’t say anything 😭 My kitty🥹… #羽生結弦 #日中国交正常化50周年記念慶典