I just realized!!! So you planned to give him a blue ocean right !😭 so yuzu cried 😭
His Chinese so adorable 😭I love you so much and thank you so much 😭I can’t say anything 😭 My kitty🥹 video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:… #羽生結弦 #日中国交正常化50周年記念慶典
He said from Sochi that he likes back number, finally can see live, as a fan must be very touched it. The same mood as we see you skating, Crying and laughing at the same time, my baby 🥺 #羽生結弦 #NHK紅白歌合戦2022
Greatest of all time This is the limit of Tokyo Dome, not the limit of Yuzuru Hanyu.Looking forward to the world tour! #GIFT_tokyodome
So you were upstairs watching everyone leave one by one,babe....😭
It turns out that this blade cover is the one that escaped from the 311 earthquake with him, so he always puts them religiously against his forehead before the competition 😭
It's going to be February again…
It’s too cold😭my baby like a Air humidifier🥺
Everything is changing, nothing has changed.
what are you doing baby🤣🥹
「ending pose. Some people think it's a good thing, and it's a work. However, I feel that my program has become a jumping competition, and if you ask me what I think of such a competition, I would say, "There is no need to call that kind of competition figure skating.」
Our kitty still can’t found the camera 🥹 「わかんねぇー」sooo cute😭 #プロローグ
Everyone this is my Christmas Tree🤣
fly high yuzu😭
Have you ever seen an angel
White Swan Black Swan
he’s so cute transparent