Femboy Hooters refers to a series of memes exploring the concept of establishing a Hooters restaurant staffed by scantily-clad feminine crossdressing males.
He works hard for Sega!!
man… i forgor 💀💀💀
Oh, thank you! My parents are both dead.…
Yakuza are real and exist in Japan. They are by no means Ninja-like.
Do not compare me with Hideo Kojima.
Come close to me and kiss me.
Please don’t try eating 5 cups of sugar and 3 pounds of butter.
I often quote your replies. If you don't have the courage to have your replies quoted by me for over 330,000 people in the world, please don't reply to me in the first place.
I thought Mr. Elon Musk was a very smart man when he provided Starlink to Ukraine free. But I thought recently he ultimately just wanted to use the war in Ukraine to make money. He is not my type of guy.
Please don’t call me your father. I’m just your funky uncle.
I know that Sonic the hedgehog fell in love with Blaze the cat.
The super cool hair style @OnTheDownLoTho
I think I should be a DLC fighter. I can easily defeat anyone.
Who Thinks That Shadow The Hedgehog Should Be A DLC Fighter For Injustice 3?
SpongeBob taught me everything. Thank you SquarePants.