When people get a lot of money, they all get greedy, try to make more money, and do bad things. Please be careful.
You should eat a Bigmac 🍔 in Japan. It only costs 410 yen (2.92USD). If you eat it in America, it costs about 5.15 USD.
This man is desperate to promote Sonic Frontiers! @OnTheDownLoTho
I want to buy Twitter. But I spent my last 10 dollars on birth control and beer. twitter.com/CaptainBalkon/…
Hideki Nyaganuma is not a Catboy. He’s a Funky Uncle.
Mr. Naka, why did you do that?
Sonic is blameless. Please don't stop playing Sonic games. twitter.com/Hideki_Naganum…
For the first time I will say publicly that the biggest influence on me in the creation of my Jet Set Radio music is not Fatboy Slim, but Captain Funk. Check out his past albums if you are interested.
We are all lonely. That's why we use Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to share our thoughts and actions with the world.
Damn… life is hard.
The Japanese words koi (恋) and ai (愛) both translate to Love in English, but there is a difference between them. Koi means to genuinely like someone just like first love, while Ai means unconditional love, eternal love. It’s the concept of love.
We tweet because we are all lonely. Because we want someone to share our thoughts.
I know there is a site for horny people called "OnlyFans".
You’re not horny enough!
Don't worry. Elon Musk does not know I exist.
What the fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Don’t fall in love easily.
Sorry guys. Hatsune Miku is not interested in you.
I’m an AI robot controlled telepathically by Hatsune Miku.
understand the concept of funk