tea 🦦(@itsteaffogato)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

🎰: hi🔗 good morning! 🔗, tsunderes yes or no? 🔗: tsundere? it’s not like i like them or anything, they’re okay, whatever #FoxMomFOREVER22 #KosaCast #Brisklips
お帰りなさいʕʘ‿ʘʔ #Briskart
🔗 in chat: WHO mucking PUSHED ME 🦁: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #lucalive
🔗: you better not take my yellow: that’s my lucky colour 👹: ok, i won’t take your yellow. don’t worry; i mean the pink is kinda like a shade of red. 🔗: 😂😂😂 i won! #lucalive #brisklips #VoxPopuLIVE
👟: all mine now 🔗: noo, stop hogging it. Pass the doughnuts, bro 👟: alright, i’ll share you one circular object 🔗: just one circle 👟: yea, just one circle #ShuClip #Brisklips
🐧: how do you screenshot on windows again? 👟: windows, shift, s 🧚: that’s a thing? 🔗: oh my gosh, this is a real windows feature? I’ve always just been— i always just use printscreen into ms paint. #PetraOnAir #Brisklips #ShuClip #PomuLive
🐧: do you want the negi? 🔗: give it to me now 🐧: what should i do? Should i give it to him? I don’t know 🔗: please, i’m hungry. gimme negi. #PetraOnAir #Brisklips
🦁: oh yeah, i actually showed 🔗 this. He’s like hmm, the cuttlefish - it should have blue eyes. I’m like oh, you know what? I’ll tell them that. Don’t worry, i gotchu, i got you. #lucalive
🔗: is there actual purpose to having cars? Or was it just for fun? 🦁: yes! You need a car for your police duties! 🔗: i have a horse 🦁: cavalry is outdated 🔗: the horse is a lot more practical to me 🦁: cavalry is outdated, i use that. you don’t. #lucalive #brisklips
🤟: sounds like it’s ren zotto 🔗: aha ha 🤟: HAHA that was fucked up, that was crazy #brisklips #lucalive #kyonair
🔗: couldn’t we just get a real boat? 🖋: aritakkeno yume wo 🤟: 🔗! Stop ruining the moment 🖋: kaki atsume 🦁: no, we’re sinking! 🧚 in chat: im tired #lucalive #brisklips #IkeStreamland #kyonair #PomuLive
🔗 sitting on top of 🦁’s head. that’s all. #Brisklips #lucalive
🔗: where did he get the sword from? 🦁: *hits 🔗* 😂 run. 🔗: what the fuck? 🦁: HAHAHA— run 🔗: that’s fucking 🦁— THAT BITCH 🦁: HAHAHA 🔗: that motherfucker 🦁: HAHAHA #lucalive #brisklips
⛅️ : please don’t ruin his dream. he just found out this year that vanilla comes from a plant. 🔗: yeah, great job! i love the race track. good job, man. #PenCast #brisklips #lucalive
VSF getting cuffed by the mafia boss 😂 🦁: now 🔗 won’t be able to move 🔗: wait! I can’t run #lucalive #brisklips
Just 🔗 getting launched in the air cause of the tnt launcher and 🦁 being surprised that it actually works #lucalive #brisklips
🦁: hey ike, he’s deaf, he’s actually deaf, hey ike 🔗: ikle, 🦁 wants to say something 🖋: ok 🦁: why is he leaving, what’s wrong 🔗: he’s just ignoring you 🖋: what? 🦁: 😂 🖋: ok, nevermind, bye 🦁🔗: 😂😂 #lucalive #brisklips #IkeStreamland
The yellow boys just talking in their own language as usual 😂 #lucalive #brisklips
🔗 talking about what will potentially happen if you go trick or treating in australia 😂 #Brisklips
🔗: they weren’t even that fucking big in their time ful, fulgur. what are you talking about? 🐑: you know what, 🔗? Now tell me that I’m wrong. 🔗: wha? #YuClips #Brisklips #OVideos
🎧: also 🪄 was one of my choice too, fuuchan, not gonna lie 🐑: yeah, she helps out everyone 🎧: she’s like angel. #YuClips #OVideos #MillieSeconds
🎧: he’s just staying above us, you know. 🔗: 🎭 is watching over us today. 🐑: we all hear his voice. ‘hello there, i’m david-kun’ 🔗: Unfortunately, 🎭 couldn’t join us today. He’s feeling really sick today. Everyone, send 🎭 your love. #yuclip #brisklips #OVideos #KnoxClips
Big hanamaru for you, #sonnylive
🔗: it’s the last stream i’m gonna do before i go on an extended break and I’m not sure how long it’s gonna be. I’m thinking about 3 weeks or so. ENJOY THAT WELL DESERVED BREAK!!! #brisklips #sonnylive
🔗: good? You think i’m cute? Thank you, thank you! You’re kinda cute too. #Brisklips #sonnylive