Hello, my name is Fulgur Ovid and I have a problem. I lost 44 million yen on cat fighting in Yakuza 0... No regrets.
I don't understand the language but I got enough enjoyment out of this scene alone. Embrace the cringe! twitter.com/MillieParfait/…
"I'm a bitch drunk" - Mysta Rias
Just had the best nap of my life and now it's time to write fan fiction (professionally.) I'm living the dream.
This is so funny watching from different perspectives. I replied to Voxxy but didn't hear Mysta. Mysta made a different joke but wasn't heard by me or Voxxy and no one heards my response. The awkward silence was just a discord hiccup and it made us all self-concious lmao. twitter.com/itaruchigasexy…
Couldn't get much sleep last night but I've added another asset to OBS, two new emotes to the channel and browsed all over lofter and Twitter art tags. Thank you to the fans for all the support you give to streamers. It really keeps us going in our low points 🙏🏻
It feels so good getting the go ahead to play two of my favourite games of all time. I'll keep the second a secret for now, but I'll be joining the 5 year anniversary celebration of Rakuen by streaming it next week. Prepare for terrible singing, a beautiful story and many tears!
Loved hearing Vox say this was such a happy day for him. Was such a good one for me too getting to hang out with everyone, eat good food and celebrate another year with an amazing person. #Voxelebration
Nijipurple hopping on Valorant in the Lambroghini! Let's go!
I don't know what Petra did to Enna but she has a vendetta this morning.
Today will be my first time playing Fall Guys! I am going to be terrible, but we'll be having tons of fun with Nina, Luca and Mousey regardless of if any of us bring home a crown. Waiting room below.
Schedule for the week 04/24 - 04/30 ⚡【Hashtags】⚡ ⚡General - #FulgurOvid ⚡LIVE - #FulgurOvidHere ⚡Art - #FulGallery ⚡NSFW - #Cybussy ⚡Memes - #Fulguma ⚡Fiction: #FulFic ⚡Clips: #OVideos ⚡Thumbnails: #FoYoVid ⚡Story: #Legatus505 ⚡Fans - #Comfydants ⚡Group: #Noctyx
Enna's doing an Inuyasha karaoke stream and asked everyone to sing along! Go join her! Don't perceive me. youtube.com/watch?v=tEHM0v… #EnnaLively
I kind of understand my senpai's meaning of wanting to do something because people don't think you can now. Yugo gave me the practice material. I'll start preparing for karaoke.
I am an INFP! We are compassionate, individualistic and deeply concerned with the personal growth of ourselves and others. What is your TypeFinder personality type? #INFP #TruityType @TruityLabs truity.com/content/infp-p… ... sounds fake to me.
The gentle spring sunlight is warming my body. I feel a little sleepy... I'll close my eyes.
Nijisanji are being very kind to me on discord today... Sus.
Also to everyone who questioned whether I was actually thicc: official art says yup!
Spring voice packs are here. Keep in mind my voice pack is Legatus rather than Archivist. twitter.com/NIJISANJI_Worl…