@ramdayo1122 @rpr Beautiful work as always LAM-mama!
@rpr That debut was AMAZING! I'm so impressed at all the work you put in and everything you managed to bring together to make it happen. Welcome, brother!
It's a pretty comfy week this week. We're playing a lot of my favourite games and not doing any double days. Hopefully everyone will enjoy! Hopcon Valo on Thursday will be a see who joins kind of experience. We have enough addicts that we can do that now! Art: @/godgod1414
Schedule for the week 05/29- 06/04 ⚡【Hashtags】⚡ ⚡General - #FulgurOvid ⚡Live - #FulgurOvidHere ⚡Art - #FulGallery ⚡NSFW - #Cybussy ⚡Memes - #Fulguma ⚡Fiction: #FulFic ⚡Clips: #OVideos ⚡Thumbnails: #FoYoVid ⚡Story: #Legatus505 ⚡Fans - #Comfydants ⚡Assets: #FulAss
I'm live with Noctyx playing Dead by Daylight! Not streaming my POV but you can watch others at Uki: youtube.com/watch?v=OjoN0V… Alban: youtube.com/watch?v=wmk1-o… Sonny: youtube.com/watch?v=OtmZBy…
Going live now at youtube.com/watch?v=bj5hHR… for LAM bros double teaming the world in Smash! twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid/st…
I love raisin bran! You best believe I agree with Rosemi that it's an old man cereal. Honey nut cheerios are still the best. #LiveStem
@Vox_Akuma Awwww, Voxxy T_T. I'll turn off team attack after all <3.
In just under 2 hours me and Voxxy will be uniting our powers in Smash Ultimate to take on any challengers bold enough to enter our arena! It's time for the LAM bros to take on the world!
@shu_yamino I stand by it.
I did not realize it was 5 am already. Hanging out with Nijisanji is too much fun. About fixing my sleep schedule... 🤡
I'm here celebrating with Nara! twitter.com/Nara_Haramaung…
@Vox_Akuma @camao0531 Cake for days
I now hopcon Valorant once a day to see if they will ever let me buy the protocol guns... I'm working hard to give them my money.
@camao0531 "Help, brother, I'm stuck!" ... oh no lmao.
Me and Uki are returning to It Takes Two tonight at 20:00 EDT! After successfully murdering a beloved stuffed animal we made our child cry but we're still trapped in the form of toys. Let's see if we can find a solution to our problem together.
I'm about to have a new brother and the debut is going to be legendary! twitter.com/rpr/status/153…
@godgod1414 Oh my god. Another one =O. You're feeding us so well. Tskr Lu! The expression is so perfect here too.
It's been a while, so prepare for some art retweet spam! Feel free to mute me for the next 2 hours lmao
@uki_violeta Congratulations Uki!
@Mysta_Rias @Rosemi_Lovelock I can't under"stand" why you'd say this
hopconning Valo with the birthday boy youtube.com/watch?v=gjhMme…
Now that I'm more awake thank you to everyone who joined us for the [REDACTED] and drinking totsu yesterday! Got drunk with my best friends and had a ton of fun. Even LAM-mama was there. That was too sweet.
@MillieParfait You did good imouto. Drank me under the table and then made sure I went to bed instead of falling asleep on discord T_T. You are now the strongest drinker in Nijisanji EN.
My everything hurts... I think I had a good night though. Sorry for not being the responsible one. I love nijisanji <3. Now to sleep another 12 hours.