From now on we have two art tags for either the Archivist or Legatus and I won't police which one you use too much and feel free to use both. SFW ship art can be on the general art tag but not NSFW/R18 ones. Art: @/Kusssrt (Reposted because I realized I worded that wrong.)
Schedule for the week 06/05- 06/11 ⚡【Hashtags】⚡ ⚡Live - #FulgurOvidHere ⚡Art - #Artchivist / #Legartus ⚡NSFW - #Cybussy ⚡Memes - #Fulguma ⚡Fiction: #FulFic ⚡Clips: #OVideos ⚡Thumbnails: #FoYoVid ⚡Story: #Legatus505 ⚡Fans - #Comfydants ⚡Assets: #FulAss
Fancy lunch! I also bought $200 worth of books and tons of bar mixers but I'll share those later.
@Sykkuno Happy birthday Sykkuno!
We're gonna have a new art tag tomorrow with the new schedule BTW. I've been hoping the spam would stop after a day or two but it just keeps coming. Any suggestions for a new general art tag?
I might have to close my marshmallows. So many of them recently are just people telling me to pass on messages to other Livers, lmao. I never do it, but it's certainly becoming a pain to scroll through suggestions for people that aren't even me.
Also I had wontons for dinner...
GE... we don't have a shizun anymore.
Joining us today we have @shu_yamino @luca_kaneshiro @uki_violeta @FinanaRyugu @Rosemi_Lovelock @Selen_Tatsuki @EliraPendora @Sykkuno and @shxtou Our first 10-player custom lobby! I hope it goes well. Be sure to follow all of them too.…
The waiting room is up for HOPCON Valorant night! What started as a totsumachi has transformed into a pretty large event that may be our first full custom lobby of players!
I have played FFXIV for 6 hours and we now have a Nijisanji discord server, DMs from a ton of people telling me they're rolling a new character in Aether and a spam of screenshots showing off the sights I'll see as I progress... are we absolutely sure this isn't a cult?
@Eddie_NMC44 The truest ship
There was a lot more people on FFXIV than we expected. Me and @MillieParfait were eventually joined by @FinanaRyugu and @Taka_Radjiman as well as tons of people!
Me and @MillieParfait are about to begin my first ever time playing Final Fantasy XIV. Come join us at… Art: @ZehrineArt
@uki_violeta @MillieParfait You have truly met with a terrible fate...
This was a mistake... @MillieParfait
@Yugo_Asuma Wrong way around. We saved eachother. All of us. Proud to be a member of Noctyx and always will be <3.
@uki_violeta Come get some!
Thank you, comfydants, I followed through with the 🅱️izza order. Pepperoni and sausage with extra BBQ sauce. Also trying the pepperoni and cheese stuffed crust because it was an offer. To quote my brother... I'm a fat boy.
Me: Okay, I registered and bought the game. Millie: okay, register on Mognet now Me: What's Mognet? Millie: You've never heard of moogles? Me: YES IVE HEARD OF MOOGLES WHY DO I NEED TO REGISTER WIFH THEM TO PLAY THE GAME I JUST ALRESDY REGISTERRD AND PAID FOR!!!!?!?!?!?
Imagine making your oshi cry with a co-ordinated string of 99 superchats at the beginning of a stream and then waiting for him to read them 3 hours later because he only reads donos at the end T_T. Thank you all. Sorry for the tears. The quotes and messages really got me.…