Hikaru~ 🦂(@hikaru_clipper)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

I will never forget the little arg mayu did which were the coordinates in Shibuya where he revealed his new outfit in public on a bunch of screens. And after that he did the stream where listeners were able to vote if he should graduate or stay and the final vote was 50/50...
Kaida's reaction the genshin pull is so hilarious ww
"My name is Vox Yashiro"
- Be Fulgur - Streams from his free chat - Doesn't elaborate - "Why are you here it's 5 AM" - Suddenly drops his new orisong - "Just ignore me and use this as a live chat" Sasuga cyborg
nowa sharing the same braincell
Guess this is the best time to post I hope rrn stops beating himself up over what happened to him... most people got a laugh out of it and he apologized so he should stop worrying so much... kzh namedropped him, fw invited him, there is the genmates too, people care about him...
Fuwa says I love you to Shu
The seventh dimension student council President: Kanae (3rd year) Vice President: Deron (3rd year) Public Relations: Akina (2nd year) Secretary: Ryushen (2nd year) Treasurer: Leos (1st year) Routine tasks: Sango (1st year)
I feel sorry for her mama and everyone else who worked on that model 😞 so much work put into that model only to end up in the closet never to be seen ever again...
1/2 Fun fact: Did you know that Sal0me is actually colorblind? I discovered this while watching her VOD and something strange happened. In this clip, she uses the wrong colors? yellow = pink? purple = red? blue = black? After I noticed this, I did some research and ->
Don't mess with seraph
It's crazy how much Koshien has grown in the past few years... 3 years ago barely anyone knew about it, 2 years ago there were a few clips here and there, 1 year ago lots of people watched it for the first time and today it peaked at 300k... nijisanji is incredible
Dude you better drop a full cover of this soon
I translated every message fw left for each Radio Calisthenics Day and tried to put it in one picture, I hope it helps 🙏
Name: Seraph Dazzlegarden Age: 20 Height: 186 cm Occupation: Agent Hobbys: Games, Music, exercise, sleep Favorite Anime: Bleach, Terror in Resonance, Kino's Journey Favorite Game: Minecraft, Valorant, Prosekai, Undertale, Shadow Corridor Favorite food: Sweets, delicious
Masaru gives prof a high five 🥹
Taka was the one who introduced me to niji ID two years ago ;__; I saw him in a ff collab with one of my JP oshis and he immediately had a special place in my heart because I loved his red panda outfit so much 🥺 I am going to miss you taka 😭
Karon from VirtuaReal is graduating on July 17th
Kanato poses for Bobon
Akira's cute scream because he was scared 🤣
what the heck is even going on ww
mayu will always be in our hearts no matter what happens
Koshien schedule reminder: Friday: A League Leos, Sasaki, Lize, Kagami 1 PM JST ~ 6 PM JST Saturday: B League Ibrahim, Kuzuha, Nui, Shiina 1 PM JST ~ 6 PM JST Sunday: Finale 6 PM JST ~ 10:30 PM JST There will also be a recap on Fr + Sat at ~ 9 PM JST
even if kzh & myu didn't win it was still an exciting final I think and we should appreciate that they made it all the way into the finals... legendary shinsoku team saikou