Hikaru~ 🦂(@hikaru_clipper)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Why do drugs when you can just watch nijisanji for free
Mayu's schedule for July until his graduation
In this thread I want to explain why myy is graduating after I listened to his explanation video. In August, he mentioned that he wants to go into the direction where he does more things he wants for himself. He apologized if he promised things that won't come true now. 1/?
I will never forget the little arg mayu did which were the coordinates in Shibuya where he revealed his new outfit in public on a bunch of screens. And after that he did the stream where listeners were able to vote if he should graduate or stay and the final vote was 50/50...
What is Nijisanji Koshien? - Explanation thread! I am making this thread to explain what the biggest event Nijisanji has to offer is and how you can hopefully enjoy it! Koshien comes from a real-life event with the same name.
Here is my chart of the 2022 Nijisanji Koshien draft! Shows all draft wishes, all successful and unsucessful attempts and the results of the roulette round + in game locations! Google Link: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
That moment when kzh drafted mafia boss and said pog
Name: Watarai Hibari Gender: male Age: 21 Height: 183 cm Occupation: cafe clerk
Name: Shikinagi Akira Birthday: December 12th Height: 174 cm Occupation: Contractor (formerly spy)
Name: Seraph Dazzlegarden Age: 20 Height: 186 cm Occupation: Agent Hobbys: Games, Music, exercise, sleep Favorite Anime: Bleach, Terror in Resonance, Kino's Journey Favorite Game: Minecraft, Valorant, Prosekai, Undertale, Shadow Corridor Favorite food: Sweets, delicious
Clip sneak peak: I translated akira's BL fanfiction about a vacuum cleaner and a robot cleaner
1/2 Fun fact: Did you know that Sal0me is actually colorblind? I discovered this while watching her VOD and something strange happened. In this clip, she uses the wrong colors? yellow = pink? purple = red? blue = black? After I noticed this, I did some research and ->
Akira's cute scream because he was scared 🤣
I am crying this is the most hilarious song cover I have seen in a while thank you anykara for spending your budget on this lmao
Welcome to Nijisanji
man I can't imagine what myy must go through right now because so many people are crying in front of him and opening up to him and thanking him but he tries his best to keep everything going without getting too emotional
Mayu has been such an incredible Liver that will definitely leave a huge gap with leaving Nijisanji. The outfit reveal in Shibuya, the final 50/50 vote, all his effort and support for the other Livers... It's just incredible. Thank you Mayu for all your hard work I won't forget
In his final words mayu thanked blues and meshers for helping him feel comfortable in nijisanji, Anycolor all the support and his fans for always being there no matter what happened He disappeared from stream as it is now midnight in Japan
As it is now midnight in Japan, Mayu's contract with Nijisanji has now ended and he is not a Liver anymore and will probably never show up again with his avatar.
Mayu's graduation stream peaked around 250k and is the most watched nijisanji stream
Thank you for everything Goodbye
A person leaves a message and wonders if myy was able to access the 2434 system again The person cooperated with kgm industrial to gather data Myy can still connect other virtual worlds but not the listener's world That person wonders if myy missed them
Here is a proper attempt of the final message that showed up in myy's graduation stream I hope it's helpful.
If you extract the numbers from his ending screen and put them into a formula and calculate it, you are getting a secret message :^) My you glorious bastard
Akn also posted a tribute video "my I really enjoyed our time! You are really number one! Mshz is always friends! Let's play together again some time!"