Hikaru~ 🦂(@hikaru_clipper)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

even if kzh & myu didn't win it was still an exciting final I think and we should appreciate that they made it all the way into the finals... legendary shinsoku team saikou
the livers all played this game for 1 month to get to this day and some even read strategy guides or wrote their own, they all put lots of hard work in this behind the scenes and I respect everyone who is willing to become a coach for this cause this is no simple task
"My name is Vox Yashiro"
Niji Melody 24 hour relay - full translated English schedule Hope this helps anyone to keep track of the relay 🙏
Here is a short compilation of hibari trying his best to pronounce English words
Isn't it funny how ago is one of the most successful niji male vtubers out there and has a big fanbase but he has to stream from his genmate's house because he can't figure out how to fix his wifi
fw: how much jp can you speak sln: baby fw: so cute I'm also baby in English
Fuwa finds out that he and Selen both love Splatoon, then goes on to say that he loves her
Fuwa asks Selen who she gets along with the most and Selen proceeds to make Fuwa happy
Oh so the slander against ax1a started in spring but got so worse this month that the rumors and slander were also spammed in other livers chats huh... Also ax1a won't appear at nijifes so he will be gone for at least 3 to 4 months
I present you the full translation of a savage disstrack from a certain vtuber Please don't mention this person without censors Some TL notes at the end for references and understandings
Clip preview: A tribute to someone who is not around anymore
Fuwa learns about the meaning of pog
Enna teaches Fuwa a bad English word, Fuwa counters with I love you
Prof does kabedon in 3d and dies from the cringe afterwards
This. Is. Humanity.
Be like Prof and Just do it!
Here is a repost of my translated nijimelody schedule for the 24 hour karaoke relay if anyone needs it! All times in JST
Compilation of Fuwa and Luca saying I love you to each other
Just shachou and bobon breaking through language barriers and having lots of fun in their beloved card game
"The listening exam won't be that hard, trust me!" The listening exam:
Fw brings in the guests for today and is overwhelmed and tells them to shut up because he can't hear anything at all
I translated every message fw left for each Radio Calisthenics Day and tried to put it in one picture, I hope it helps 🙏
what the heck is even going on ww
Wanna participate in JP chat but you don't speak JP? Here is some things you can use: 待機 = waiting (before stream) こんばんは = good evening なるほど = I see 草 = lol 面白い = interesting かっこい = cool 楽しんでいる/楽しかった = Having fun/was fun おつかれ = good job