안유진's Really(@AnyujinReally)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Q: If “I love you” disappears from this world, what would you do or say to express this feeling instead? A. Let's marry B. You(Dive) are the most precious people in the world C. Hold my hand and come with me ✔️D. Spend every moment every second with you(Dive) #ANYUJIN #안유진
“I’m so obsessed with this reserved girl” ©️有块黑板 m.weibo.cn/7410309977/476… #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE #YUJIN
220424 Puppy emoticons challenge by Yujin Cr: video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:… ©️直女钉子户 BTW according to the same OP, Yujin said she will attend university someday in the future if she has chances. #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE #YUJIN
“Would you be my girlfriend?” “Yeah”🥺🥺🥺 (Nooooo😭😭😭…) Cr: m.weibo.cn/5781260357/476… ©️元气甜妹收集机 #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE #YUJIN
220424 fansign Post-it Question: What do you wanna hear most from Dives? ✅2.Yujin is the prettiest cutest baby in the world. Yujin picked 2. Pls give more love and compliments to our best baby! #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE #YUJIN
“Yujin, you’re my goddess” ©️有块黑板 m.weibo.cn/7410309977/476… #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE
220430 #ANYUJIN #안유진 Q: Score yourself in the following aspects: Handsome 1-2-3-4-5⭕️ Cuteness 1-2-3-4-5⭕️ Warm heated 1-2-3-4-5⭕️ Hard-working 1-2-3-4-5⭕️ CONFIDENT QUEEN 👸 When picking the options she was super happy and confident.💕
💙💙💙 weibo:貓也零號機 #안유진 #유진 #아이브 #ANYUJIN #YUJIN #IVE
These are c netizens' reactions towards Yujin's recent with bang hairstyle on weibo✌🏻️ #안유진 #유진 #아이브 #ANYUJIN #YUJIN #IVE
According to Yujin bar Ktown4U group order link, Yujin is the cover of Marie Claire June !!! There are two versions! #ANYUJIN #안유진
Someone on Weibo mentioned Yujin is the very first Asian celebrity who wore the new adidas X Gucci series on real-life occasions (not including magazine photoshoots). 😮 wow girrrrrrrrrl!!!! #ANYUJIN #안유진 #아이브 #IVE #YUJIN
Also, another C yujin stan commented and said according to her massive searches on various SNS, only ASAP Rocky/ NBA player James Harden/ Harry Styles wore them, and Korean Actor An HyoSeop wore them for W Korea June issue. (Which means Yujin is one of the… #안유진 #ANYUJIN twitter.com/AnyujinReally/…
🦁🦁🦁 weibo:IVE隔空喊话_bot #ANYUJIN #YUJIN #IVE #안유진 #유진 #아이브
There’re several hot posts about Yujin’s Germany performance on Chinese biggest forum Douban. Most of them were amazed by yujin’s performance. I selected two posts and translated some comments. Post 1: let’s talk about An Yujin? - 167+comments #ANYUJIN #안유진 #아이브 #IVE
Someone on Weibo met yujin today. #Anyujin #yujin #ive #안유진 #유진 “I met yujin at the Chanel store! Didn’t wanna bother them so I stood far away and watched her for a while. With a second thought, I came across yujin that’s not an easy thing, so I stood out and gave her (..)
Another story~ #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE #YUJIN “I met Yujin, wy and ge before the door of YSL store. And then they separated. Yujin went to Chanel store with a female staff. I came to yujin and told her I’m dive, she smiled and said thank you to me. (…)
The 3rd story .. someone on xiaohongshu(小红书) also came across yujin today. #yujin #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE “I came across kpopflex’s An Yujin today when hanging out with my bestie. I said hi to her but her manager didn’t want us bother them so we left. (..)
Story no.4…😭 (The whole world is coming across Yujin except me) Another person on Weibo met yujin today. She was in the supermarket and saw Yujin when she was in the cashier counter. “An Yujin’s legs are soooooooooo long ……….” #ANYUJIN #유진 #안유진 #아이브 #IVE