안유진's Really(@AnyujinReally)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

hi touch cutie yujinnie #ANYUJIN #안유진 #유진
Yujin learned five Chinese words(in 2019 concert): "你好,老师好,米饭,手机,明天见"(hello, hello teacher, rice, see you tmr) #ANYUJIN #안유진 #アンユジン #유진 #YUJIN
Some non fans comments on Weibo about Leader Yujin. Most of them were the comments under Kpop related accounts. 유진이 리더결정 연관 웨이보 일부분 댓글 정리. 몇몇 kpop아이디의 연관내용 #ANYUJIN #안유진 #유진 #yujin #IVE #아이브 @IVEstarship @IVE_twt
After revealing all the members of IVE , some non-fans on Weibo praised Yujin. #ANYUJIN #안유진 #유진 #yujin #IVE #아이브 @IVEstarship @IVE_twt
【211112】Yujin's super visual attracted wide attention on Weibo. #ANYUJIN #안유진 #유진 #yujin #IVE #아이브 @IVEstarship @IVE_twt
The viral video on Douyin(tiktok) of Yujin “shooting her own head” that many non fans mentioned on c-sns is this one. The video has received more than 110,000 likes. After almost 1 year, we’re still stuck in the charms of AnSequence! #ANYUJIN #안유진 #유진 #yujin #IVE #아이브
【211128】Non-fans' comments toward Yujin's Hello performance from KOMS (from Weibo) #ANYUJIN #안유진 #유진 #yujin #IVE #아이브 @IVEstarship @IVE_twt
Yujin’s Eleven fancam from today’s Music Bank right now is trending on Chinese Douyin(Tiktok). “#AnYujin’s fancam is dope” ranks No.24 on the entertainment chart with over 275k people are watching currently.
211211 repo How did you feel when you were called mom weibo:安有劲 #유진 #yujin #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
Yujin's ending part from Inkigayo this afternoon causes a lot of discussions on Weibo. More than 1400+ quotes and 300+ comments under the original post. Yujin is locked down in compliments jail now. m.weibo.cn/1939307525/471… #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브 #유진 #yujin
211212 repo If yujin were a boy, which member would you date? →me myself and I weibo:elven向日葵 m.weibo.cn/3745495544/471… #유진 #yujin #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211212 repo If there is a chance, what kind of video would you like to upload? weibo:_Mahomi的加速器_ m.weibo.cn/status/4713705… #유진 #yujin #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211212 repo Q: Which Disney series and characters do you like? A. Marvel Superheroes 🦸 ☑️B. Disney Princesses 👸 weibo:啊卉卉Dddulu m.weibo.cn/5153732373/471… #유진 #yujin #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211219 repo Q: If someone pays me 5 billion won but the price is to stop loving Yujin, what should I choose? weibo:Rose-In-August m.weibo.cn/status/4716205… #유진 #yujin #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211219 repo Which of the following singer that you like? ☑️Taylor swift weibo:_sTayyyy m.weibo.cn/5818551588/471… #유진 #yujin #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211219 repo Q: What's your biggest charm according to yourself? D. I can do anything well because I'm An Yujin weibo:YujinWzkx m.weibo.cn/6900239425/471… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211224 repo Q. Lots of fans think Yujin has an actress vibe, would you like to be an actress one day? weibo:PILOT091116 m.weibo.cn/5936735558/471… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211224 repo Q. Why our Yujin’s representative color is changing to green?💚 After reading all options, she said she wanna picked both option 2 and 3, but she tends to pick option 2. weibo:安有劲 m.weibo.cn/6522752695/471… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211212 repo Q. If Yujin has a day off, what would you like to do? weibo:todayis__sunny m.weibo.cn/3252191820/471… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
211226 repo Puppy Maknae VS Charisma Leader ✅ Cute concept ✅ VS Cool concept Milk chocolate ✅ VS Dark chocolate 15 years old VS 18 years old ✅ weibo:5G葵葵 m.weibo.cn/5568797466/471… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
220108 repo Q: Yujin ah, what can I do to find myself a girlfriend as cute as you ? Yujin picked D without any hesitations 😅 Yujin also said she want to get her driver license this year weibo:梅子料理大师 m.weibo.cn/6522752695/472… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
210108 repo 😱😱😱😱Help!!!!!! I’m going crazy!!!!!!! weibo:仅此而已hmh m.weibo.cn/5861671411/472… #유진 #YUJIN #ANYUJIN #안유진 #IVE #아이브
Marie Claire 3월호(1) weibo:柔理妈妈 #ANYUJIN #YUJIN #IVE #안유진 #유진 #아이브
Marie Claire 3월호(2) weibo:柔理妈妈 #ANYUJIN #YUJIN #IVE #안유진 #유진 #아이브