
💙💭 221118 [9:42pm KST] “End of schedule~~~~!” “y/n, you’re curious why I’m so busy like this right”
⭐️💭 230129 [10:41pm KST] “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ” “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s very charming, it’s fatal” “But the stylist unnie’s mother added the hipness” “And that’s it for the transformation of the rabbit!🐰”
⭐️💭 220716 [6:56pm KST] “I heard it’s chobok today..!!” “y/n have you ate chicken?!”
💙💭 221202 [5:44pm KST] “And y/n, take nutritional supplements immediately.” “Don’t catch a cold. Be healthy .” “Have u eaten? Go eat immediately .” +
⭐️💭 220128 [11:46am KST] “Did you slept well?” “Did you dreamt of me?”
💙💭 220116 [1:06pm KST] “I want to show you how I fed it in real time but” “I only have two hands” “It’s quite lively” “Please understand” “😽”
⭐️💭 221111 [2:12pm KST] “I… like the original one, the cookies and cream?.? I like that too”
⭐️💭 220117 [10:58pm KST] “The song is so good…”
⭐️💭 220621 [1:09pm KST] “y/n ! By the way, have you eaten lunch??”
💙💭 220807 [9:57pm KST/JST] “I’ll untie my pigtails now and go wash up” “I’ll be backkkk”
💙💭 221203 [10:03am KST] “I’m a fool… I couldn’t last till 12am so I couldn’t watch football……… But awesome, top 16” “No, do you know that the snow is piled up outside? I was really surprised” “I didn’t see it fall so it’s not the first snow, anyways it’s not”
💙💭 220704 [7:57am KST / 3:57pm PDT] “First of all wake up and open your eyes, ohoi, what time is it right now!!” “And I give you permission to share the Universal Studios pictures..!!!! You can’t enjoy this alone When it was so much fun”
⭐️💭 221222 [4:07pm KST] “It’s not a light americano today” “But a decaffeinated cold brew…” “It’s very delicious” “For my good night's sleep, I’m staying far away from caffeine” “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
⭐️💭 220909 [5:38pm KST] “The acorn” “Was my dad who picked it up” “I thought it wasn’t an acorn because it wasn’t brown colour”
⭐️💭 220930 [8:27am KST] “Let’s hang in there today, and be free soon :)” “While I’m on the plane” “Think of me a lot” “You must miss me!!!” “You must long for me!!!” “Tears like chicken poo.. ddong-ddong…”
💙💭 211206 [11:44pm KST] (voice note) -No, don’t send me your phone number, *laughs*, go to sleep, *laughs*, no, I think I said it wrongly ah, ah these people, you’re scary humans, go to sleep
⭐️💭 220621 [1:07pm KST] “I hope you have a great day today too!!!” “Let’s all work hard togetherr!!!!😊❣️”
⭐️💭 220515 [7:18pm KST] “I don’t know why but the weather these days is chilly again …🥹” “I wanna go to Jeju-do” “ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ No, there’s no meaning behind my words…^^” “However, this is something that I am feeling right now in real time..!” “Right now …”
⭐️💭 230216 [7:06pm KST] “+sticker” “Seduction”
⭐️💭 221110 [4:15pm KST] “But since the sun is up, the weather is not that cold yet!”
⭐️💭 220221 [1:35pm KST] “But it’s really been such a long time” “Euue, I feel very happy”
⭐️💭 221125 [6:34pm KST] “I really discovered one thing today” “By the time you’re almost done drinking the Americano and when the ice melts, if you add black barley, it’s really (like) Ameri-barley-cano … it’s aromatic, aromatic🤩”
💙💭 221111 [5:51pm KST] “For me! Just now I gave pepero to the taxi driver and he/she was so happy, that I felt good” “I said ‘Fighting for today!’ and he/she liked it so so much that I felt even better”
⭐️💭 221024 [5:01pm KST] “Was it the day before yesterday” “I went to watch a horror movie called Smile with my elementary school friend” “There was a toy machine there!”
💙💭 211224 [12:00am KST] “🎄y/n Merry Christmas ~! I love you♥️”