💙💭 211219
[12:00pm KST]
“Oh, ah, it’s Sis looking for Kiry”
⭐️💭 221112
[4:43pm KST]
“The rain came and went”
“Don’t you feel sleepy on a cloudy day like this…??”
“It’s the weekend so should I take a nap leisurely…”
“Let’s nap together..”
“My eyes are heavy…”
💙💭 230502
[7:03pm KST]
“Welcome to my world ~ 🎶”
“That should automatically come out”
“y/n is out, go listen and come back .”
“No, go back”
⭐️💭 220223
[10:58pm KST]
“When (it’s time) for ‘You should be excited for it a bit~~?’ I’ll tell you about it again!!”
“ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah, Crocs”
“It’s so funny”
“I should show it to you quicklyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
⭐️💭 220103
[7:23pm KST]
“Our MYs who wished me a happy birthday ㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠ Thank you so so so much, I really saw them alll!!!”
“I saw each and every one…”
“It was a really happy day, for real, but !!”
“I’m being really sincere!!!!”
⭐️💭 221209
[12:41am KST]
“And at this time…”
“But I’m happy..☺️”
“Ah I didn’t said what is it, it’s takoyaki..”
⭐️💭 211220
[12:24am KST]
“Did you see it??”
“ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I didn’t know that Dreams Comes True mv teaser would come out tooㅋㅋㅋ”
“The bonus for waiting!.!”
“Lets think of it as that!”
“ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIf so, then I’m off! Bye!🤗🤍”
💙💭 220616
[7:02pm KST]
“It’s time to eat now!! I really want to eat donkatssu today”
“So I’m gonna eat it”
“I’m gonna eat donkatssu + naengmyeon after a while”
“It’ll be like that..!”
💙💭 220704
[4:26pm KST / 12:26am PDT]
“I’m here!! I’ll continue!!!”
“Can I continue it..? It won’t be noisy??”
💙💭 221009
[9:29pm KST]
“I did something amazing”
“Ah, it’s not about eatingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”
“I’m not always eating..!”
⭐️💭 221023
[11:11pm KST]
“Eat and drink honey water then sleep…”
“Please I hope this winter won’t be so cold🥶”
“My hands are cold cold cold..”
💙💭 220817
[4:49pm KST]
“Today is date day”
⭐️💭 211227
[10:14pm KST]
“You can’t catch me, you can’t catch mee”
💙💭 220505
[7:43pm KST]
“When I was a baby, I almost always had short cut (hairstyle) ㅎ”
⭐️💭 220131
[8:30pm KST]
“Our MYs!!!!”
“Happy new year and have a great lunar holiday!!!🤩”
“I should eat Rice cake soup during the Lunar New Year, rice cake soup!”
💙💭 230115
[9:51am KST]
“When should I do a live broadcast… I don’t want to do it too early or too late for the students and office workers, so I wanna do it after 6-7pm and before 12am, but that’s the exact time when I’m working hard..!”
💙💭 220730
[12:07am KST]
“I want to see you quickly”
“Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry”
⭐️💭 220321
[12:20am KST]
💙💭 221213
[11:42pm KST]
“I ran out with Aeri to film a TikTok under the snow as soon as our filming ended, but it stopped hing”
⭐️💭 220126
[9:56pm KST]
“I miss you”
“Tomorrow is MCD! You’ll see me after a long time isn’t it”
“But I can’t see y/n….”
“It’s somehow unfair!”
“!!! I can’t see you!!!!”
“I want to see you to though!!…?!”
⭐️💭 220621
[9:29pm KST]
“But I took the picture..”
“I wanted to send it to youu ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ”
“But it wasn’t released yet so I didn’t show it to you..”
💙💭 220906
[11:42pm KST]
“Ah, it’s time for left side ?”
“Ah, what should I do, no one told me about it, and in front of all those people.. no wonder they told me to smile… I just smiled and went.. fool..”
⭐️💭 221121
[11:23pm KST]
“Woo-ah, by the way, it’s almost December now but it’s still not that cold right!”
“Will it get colder once I say this”