I know only smol Childe dropped but I had to #genshinimpact #原神
天涯獨留一人淚 || Left Behind #GenshinImpact #原神
bonus 😌
archon's criterias(?) #genshinimpact #原神
are they roommates now?? 🥺 #genshinimpact #原神
You don't have to be alone #genshinimpact #原神
Remember… I still think about this AU 😔 #原神 #GenshinImpact #tartali
The tusk collection keeps on growing 😐 #GenshinImpact #原神 #tartali
Who are you rolling for? 😌 #原神 #GenshinImpact
Just wanted to say thank you! And also an update below ↓
Never forget the suffering 😒 #GenshinImpact #原神
I still want this to be the way it happened #GenshinImpact #原神
与罪人共舞一曲 || Will you dance with a sinner #原神 #GenshinImpact
I still have yet to complete either of their set ☠️ #GenshinImpact #原神 #tartali
Zhongli vs Childe Tartaglia Ajax #GenshinImpact #原神 #tartali
Can’t stand my gallery being empty so here’s to a first re-up! 🐾 #GenshinImpact #原神
Hi, Mizu here. Earlier today my main account (@/mizururu) has been h/acked and my entire art and work is being nuked, just to be turned into a scammy giveaway account. The new handle is now @/P5Helping, I would really appreciate if people could help me report it, thank you ;; twitter.com/ResonantZine/s…