everyone moving on to the new characters and meanwhile I’m just… Childe 🥺… Zhongli 🥺🥺🥺….
he's trying his best 😌 #genshinimpact #原神
language barrier 🐘 #genshinimpact #原神
not me considering pulling on weapon banner only because over my dead body will anyone take away Homa from Zhongli #genshinimpact #原神
Hu Tao came home early so I only got one Thoma 😭 But he's very fun so wanted to doodle him! #genshinimpact #原神
When in doubt just draw #childe
genshin but squid game edition 🦑 #genshinimpact #原神
Kazuha is still one of my favorite boys so I touched this up a bit 🍁 #genshinimpact #原神 #Kazuha
They can never get rid of him #genshinimpact #原神
Look at Childe with all these Liyue characters on his banner he's basically a citizen at this point, even Yanfei is there to process his papers
Happy Birthday to the very first 4* I ever got and who carried me more times than I can count 💖 #Xingqiu #原神 #行秋生誕祭2021
Finally finished Moonchase and is this who I think it is?? 😳 #genshinimpact #原神
Someone special #Persona5 #p5r
Ok but I don’t really understand people who are so mad about having to skip banners because “they’ve been saving since x” and I’m like?? Then you just get to save even more?? And then you can really splurge without worry when you do get to spend the primos??? Why so angy????
So glad to be playing Tartaglia Impact
old archons but they're penpals 🖊️ #genshinimpact #原神
i miss them already 😔 #genshinimpact #原神
archons but pick your school edition #genshinimpact #原神