
[at restaurant] my girl: what would you like to have ?? me: a (my face between your thighs) sandwich
yea sex is cool but have you ever been treated like a priority instead of just an option
i want a polaroid pictures of us on the back of my phone type of love.
the masculine urge to grab her butt and pull her closer to kiss her forehead and reminder her that she’s my lil princess
i carry your photo in my wallet type of love
ilove a "u wanna come with me to..." person. that shit is the cutest when people want u to be a part of their plans even if is some regular shit they're about to go do.
peak romance is giving your partner a soft kiss on forehead to remind her she’s a little princess
does anyone else get insanely romantically frustrated, like i know sexual frustration is a thing but sometimes i get super intense cravings for soft kisses or make out sessions or cuddling naps or things like that and it's way more frustrating to me than sexual cravings
mental health on zero but i'm sexy and hot
Intimacy is beyond kisses, cuddles, & sex. It's when you not feeling good & your partner is rubbing on you, checking on you, having deep talks explaining your insecurities. Intimacy is calling & checking on your partner making sure they ate or took their meds. It's more than sex
idk man but the idea of cuddling with your partner under a soft blanket on a cold day and having them asleep in your arms while you're quietly playing video games or something just sounds really nice
hasty public sex where you arent trying to be an exhibitionist or anything but you just have to fuck and public areas at night are as close as you two can get to privacy. just meeting someone in the park, them pulling their pants down just enough
Museum date???? Coffee shop date???? Art gallery date???? Walk in the park date???? Late night walk date???? Nap time date???
understand this: you can sound confident & have anxiety. you can look healthy but feel like shit. You can look happy & be miserable inside. you can be good looking & feel ugly. so be kind, because every person is fighting a battle you know nothing about
hey (with the intention of slow dancing in the kitchen together)
fuck a bra. use my hands as ur bra
when girls sit down and their thighs become bigger 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
my love language is putting my leg over yours
her voice reduces my stress level
hey (with the intention of comparing hand sizes with you)
Me seeing my body type on girls: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Me seeing my body type on myself: 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
thicc girls with curly hair wyd
*during sex* her: be gentle please also her in 2 minutes: slap me, choke me, spit on me, hit me with a brick