Lijian Zhao 赵立坚(@zlj517)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

We lied. We cheated. We stole.
Lie after lie. They never learned and they never stop.
NATO should apologize to Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, to the 900,000 lives lost to the wars, and to the tens of millions of refugees.
China has the best record on the issue of peace and security. We have never invaded other countries, never engaged in proxy wars, never sought spheres of influence, or participated in military bloc confrontation.
The #US claims that they care about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, but have they cared about the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc.? #NoDoubleStandard
As US-waged wars in #Iraq, #Syria, #Afghanistan & other places have caused 330,000 civilian deaths & turned over 26 million people into refugees, the US should sincerely beseech the intl community to forgive it, rather than lecture others on human rights in a condescending manner
China is one of the safest countries in the world.
True/fake representation of the people #China #US
#China brings techniques to #Africa. The #US brings violence to Africa.
Can you select them all?
These countries are not underdeveloped, they're overexploited.
Before NATO "humanitarian intervention" and After NATO "humanitarian intervention"
Heroes among us.
How Ironic...
Such a sharp contrast...
The US has stolen more than 18 billion dollars from Libya.
Who is the biggest threat to world peace, the data tells it all...
American Blockchain
Two military planes showed up at Kabul airport, one taking life and the other carrying hope. This is perhaps the biggest difference between China and the US.
The #US is the ONLY country that still possesses chemical weapons. The #US has twice missed the deadline for destruction of its chemical weapons.
Media reveal that the #US Embassy in #Ukraine has deleted from its website all documents about Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine recently.
The Western logic.
With about 850 bases in over 90 countries worldwide, US military intervention is everywhere.
Look at these. Isn't this racism?
The biological military activities of the US in Ukraine are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are 336 biological labs in 30 countries under its control.