Enjoy the dreamlike scenes of lakes in #Xinjiang. In every winter, it transforms into a magical paradise full of snow and ice.
A Chinese craftsman paints the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics emblem inside a glass bottle. Neihua (内画), the bottle inside painting, is a traditional Chinese art with a focus on the most exquisite details.
The railway in #Dunhuang, #Gansu in NW China when snow covers the desert.
Children in the old city of Kashgar, #Xinjiang have fun in joining the firefighters’ training.
In the Zhangping Tea Garden, #Fujian, more than 100,000 cherry blossom trees are now in bloom. Here, #spring is in the air.
Harvey Dzodin: #Democracy is not one-size-fits-all. The word "democracy" comes from ancient Greek. It means the people rule. And it’s like Chairman Mao said "Serve the people", that's exactly what #China is doing. newsgd.com/node_99363c4f3…
The biological military activities of the US in Ukraine are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are 336 biological labs in 30 countries under its control.
In the US, African Americans are almost three times more likely to be killed by police than the white people.
In the West, no one cares about people in Afghanistan. Is it because the colour of their skin? Is it that they're not white? Or they're not European?
Flight carrying humanitarian aid for #Ukraine provided by the Red Cross Society of China has departed from Beijing.
#China has established a #DeepSpace exploration laboratory in Hefei, Anhui. China's laboratory will be open to the world.
Real-life #KungFu #Panda
This year marks 60th year of #US embargo against #Cuba. For 29 years in a row, #UNGA passed resolutions calling for ending the embargo, but ignored by US. The US embargo is the most enduring & inhumane act of economic warfare.
Colourful night in #Xinjiang
Who is the biggest threat to world peace, the data tells it all...
Lies are lies, no matter how dressed up. The more US attempts to distort China's image, the more its credibility is at stake. xinhuanet.com/english/202203…
War or peace: Uncle Sam's dirty role in the Ukraine crisis globaltimes.cn/page/202203/12…
Media reveal that the #US Embassy in #Ukraine has deleted from its website all documents about Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine recently.
The #US is the ONLY country that still possesses chemical weapons. The #US has twice missed the deadline for destruction of its chemical weapons.
The #US has been the ONLY country to oppose setting up Biological Weapons Convention multilateral verification mechanisms in the past 20 years.
Five decades ago, Liupanshui city in #Guizhou was known for its coal and steel industry. Now with industrial transition and Chinese people's growing passion about winter sports brought by #Beijing2022, ...
Compared with empty talks of some Western governments, China’s democracy truly makes people happy, and improves their well-being.
"Reaping the world" with dollar hegemony? How far can the U.S. go?
China's next generation of commercial maglev train has completed tests, with a designed speed of 200 km/h (124mph) and multiple tech breakthroughs such as unmanned driving and non-contact power supply.