Democracy dies when money knocks on the door…
Orange Line metro in Lahore jointly built by China & Pakistan has greatly improved transportation and brought significant jobs to the people.
The 32nd Nadam Congress in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China.
400 times difference tells us how much the #US government loves war... 400倍的差异。美国政府得有多爱战争?
Just some facts: Almost 100 countries unanimously expressed support for China’s policy in #Xinjiang and opposition to interference in China’s internal affairs in the name of human rights at the #UN #HumanRights Council.
China completed the first flight test of the first homemade #C919 large passenger aircraft, which is to be delivered to China Eastern Airlines.
Yet they still call themselves as the "human rights defender".
A waterfall of 188 meters high and 30 meters wide in Guangxi, China.
#COVID seems to be racially discriminatory in the #US. Mortality rate among the white has been much lower than that among American Indians, although average Indian patients were younger.
A Venezuelan expert said that the U.S. has been stoking conflicts in various parts of the world, as it wants to retain its hegemony.
Children in the old city of Kashgar, #Xinjiang have fun in joining the firefighters’ training.
What is the old American #DoubleStandards
"Forced Labor" in Xinjiang is a lie, but they speak out loud. "Forced Poverty" in Afghanistan is a truth, but they just ignore it.
The Persecutor of our times. #HumanRights
Similarly, Taiwan Province is not America's real concern, hegemony is.
US social media, or the Ministry of Truth?…
In the first 3 quarters of 2022, China's GDP increased by 3% y-on-y, totaling 87 trillion yuan.
Take a look at the beautiful scenery of Yili, Xinjiang.
What children really need: enough baby formula ✅ more JR-15s ❌
Police patrol vehicles in western China's Gansu Province.
Desert tree-planting robots working, developed by #Huawei. Over the past decade, #China is one of the countries with the largest net annual increase in #forest area.
The things you should pay attention to when in Chengdu, China.
Chinese-aided Africa CDC headquarters is near completion in #Ethiopia.
The crimes against Native Americans are fully consistent with the definition of genocide under current international law.…
How ships travel through #China's #ThreeGeorgesDam—must resist the temptation to watch this all day.