Gorou wishes you a good luck!
My posts are getting concerning…💔what was i thinking #IDV #IdentityV #第五人格
Wozwald fan mv (luca and alva) Twitter cropped the video💔 you can check the full ver on my youtube if you like! youtu.be/OYAHvcAoS5U #identityv #IDV #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト
Butler’s cafe vampire luca … i NEED to draw it #identityv #IDV #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト
GEDDAN! (VALE) Woo im lowkey happy with the result! They are such silly guys🎨⛓✉️🪦
VALE on road trip! (They borrowed alva’s car) Victor is just chilling with wick Luca is the driver (no licence) Andrew is praying so that the car doesn’t crash Edgar is about to puke because he draws inside the car #第五人格 #IdentityV