
As the final MV came to a close, INTO1 stood together, unity palpable even in the face of impending disbandment. They gave it their all. As the last note faded away, golden flakes gently fell around them, they took a bow, knowing that their chapter together is coming to an end😭
MSGFREE repo 👩🏻: Hi, this is what I brought for u (Gave him letter, hat, it's a really cute character from cartoon called Jake, it can move when squeezed, I accidentally put my phone in the bag) The phone isn't for u🤣 🧑🏻‍🚀: OK, do I wear this now or I wear it once u sit down? (++
(ENG) When Daniel and Patrick have the same thoughts simultaneously + Patrick telling Daniel to talk about what happened this morning
GROWN UP lyrics "If there were no expectation, would we still feel that it was a pity?" "I've never regretted anything" "Let's scatter like the stars in the sky and shine"
Chinese fans can hear 🥝: Pai, let's switch positions 🐰: Aii, help🆘🙉 🧑🏻‍🚀: (looked to his right, twirled around) (Pai said 救命呀 which means "help"/"omg"/"ahhh" but it's just an exclamation, doesn't neccesarily have the literal meaning of "please save me")
🧑🏻‍🚀: YOU AREN'T WEARING YOUR IN-EAR! (points at Pai, tries to help, touches Pai's ear) 🐰: IM WEARING IT! I put it on just now twitter.com/bunnyxastronau…
💜so close
👩🏻: I think Radio is the first performance in which you amazed me the most. Will there be any chance of you and Paipai performing it again on stage in the future? 🧑🏻‍🚀: No problem, I will think about it 👩🏻: I am really looking forward to it, you guys were so amazing
👩🏻: I have known Paipai since Chuang, I liked Radio at first, so I also like Dream Team. Will Dream Team collab again in the future? 🐰: I hope so x2. Everyone is in Beijing. See if we have time, if everyone is OK, I also hope we can do something together
🐰: We have a concert in Suzhou on the 25th, I hope everyone can come and watch INTO1. I also have my own movie which will be released soon, please look forward to it. 💬: What wish do you want to achieve in 2023? 🐰: I hope everyone will be very happy and eat a lot, thank you
[ENG] Keyu talks about Patrick's handsome video and how Pai felt embarrassed after AK posted it in the groupchat
💜 thank u noon wo de peng you for taking this pic for me! im here in spirit~~ glad nong pat is home!😭😭😭 enjoy your holiday🥹 im happy for the thai fans who got to meet him in person finally after almost 2 years
keyu and patrick duets
🧑🏻‍🚀: I remember the period of my life when I went to stage most often was in CHUANG, we had it once a week. We prepared for a week, performed then repeat, did nothing else. Just find bros who have the same aesthetics as you, form a group, and do what you think is cool.
🧑🏻‍🚀: (in Macau) I saw a lot of lightsticks, because it was dark right? the lightsticks were really bright/obvious. So at that moment I had an illusion, it felt like having our own concert (...) We were very excited. I actually don't really remember... 💬: Don't be sad 🧑🏻‍🚀; I'm not
We still have four months, four months, 120 days. It sound sso short but i's not too long. (...) As long as we are INTO1, you can expect, you can look forward. It depends on the situation, we don't know
I don't recall a lot of stages, not a lot, I wish we could have one time just to go anywhere, don't have to be 10000 people... If it is just an offline event, face-to-face, with audience, we will perform, we will do it
💬: Miss you so much from Thailand 🧑🏻‍🚀: You know, we might really have a chance to meet. (...) We really want to visit before we dismiss, but we might only have one chance, to have a concert or stage. I just wish we can meet one time, it has been 2 years man. It has been too long
💬: Baby are you going to have a concert this year? 🧑🏻‍🚀: (laughs) When will the concert be if not this year? (...) It is my initial dream. My dream was to debut and have a concert with INTO1. (...) A concert with tens of thousands of people in the audience. 🥹🥹🥹
(ENG) Playing chess with Linmo + "You should ask ZKY to play chess with you"
🐰: "Ask Zhou Keyu to play next time" I feel like he doesn't like to play chess
🐰: Oh Universal? I haven't been there in a long time. Definitely should find some time to visit. It has been a while. (😭😭😭😭)