ちゅる (ˊ⓿_ゝ⓿)(@Chuvuyaa)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

ganji ⁉️⁉️ #idv #IdentityV
Norton Campbell #Idv #identityV
Luca Plush - 囚人 ⚠️ 在少穿的/Shirtless.. #Idv #IdentityV
Pocky Day Halva (ヘルアル) #Idv #IdentityV #halvaidv
这次是比较开朗的画面,一边吃冰淇淋一边双黑。我试图以 Wan! 艺术风格绘制它。 #文豪ストレイドッグス #BungouStrayDogs #bsd #dazai
Herman’s halloween letter (>﹏<) #Idv #IdentityV
Alice Deross sketch real #Idv #IdentityV
トラちゃんとアルヴァさん!! I tried to make Alva move a little qwq #idv #identityVイラスト #identityv
I had to draw it.. Orpheus & Memory as "Girl from the other side" (Idea by @/scoliipede) #idv #IdentityV
i had the idea to draw aesop with tora eli because i saw a tweet of eli in a box with aesop next to it.. #Idv #IdentityV
Embalmer fanart (⌒▽⌒) #idv #IdentityV #aesopcarl