Civil Disobedience Movement(@cvdom2021)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

As a memorial for historic ‘8888 movement’, protest leaders have called for banging pots and pans on 8th August 8 pm. We call for int’l community to cut all ties with SAC and engage @NUGMyanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
(3/3) These same people are now being murdered by the military junta on a daily basis. Should the majority have spoken out louder? Yes! But do not easily dismiss the people who have worked so hard for democracy, human rights and peace in this country. It’s not fair.
The illegitimate and illegal Union Election Commission has no authority whatsoever to abolish any political party let alone National League for Democracy (NLD) which received overwhelming mandate in 2020 General Election. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
We don’t expect the success of a revolution to depend on billionaires’ goodwill. But the level of discrimination against and the neglect of international community over the plight of Myanmar people is getting to the ridiculous point. Why don’t we deserve the same kind of help???…
Worries about ‘state collapse’ and ‘state failure’ in Myanmar seen in some Western and East Asian media miss the point — rather, [CDM] keeps the legitimate state alive and takes down the imaginary reality of an ongoing criminal take over.…
The rural areas in central dry region continue to march and rally after two years. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
@USAmbUN Thank you, Ambassador. Please consider raising a motion in UNSC to impose #NoFlyZone. 🙏The military SAC is using helicopters and fighter jets to target civilian villages in ethnic areas, which is totally barbaric and unacceptable.
The schoolchildren having to run and hide because of the SAC fighter jets coming to their way. SAC has indiscriminately used air strikes to get upper hands against the resistance forces and committed many war crimes against civilians. Source:@bbcburmese #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
SAC military does not represent Myanmar state - real or perceived. The international community should not recognize SAC as state. It’s not a matter of labeling them like we want. They lack effective control at the local level. That’s why they have been burning down villages.
The idea that Myanmar army could still be reformed, after seven decades of relentless killing, murdering and inflicting suffering to millions of people, is crazier than the idea of #AbolitionofMyanmarMilitary. Myanmar people have totally rejected this army.
The young people protesting for 7th July memorial were once again hit by terrorist SAC car. It’s barbaric and appalling. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
At this point, engagement with SAC will not yield any positive results. They are not serious about any dialogue with international community. All they want is legitimacy of their rule. And legitimizing them will only legitimize their #CrimesAgainstHumanity.
缅甸人民正在献出生命。如果是真胞波,请与缅甸人民站在一起。 不要与独裁軍头站在一起。@ChinaAmbUN
A brief review of 5-point consensus (1/5) immediate cessation of violence and utmost restraint SAC won’t follow through. They will justify their use of violence behind the bogus claims of “anti-terrorism”. Executions show they are not going to do “utmost restraint” either.
(1/2) INGOs at the very least should be aware that how intense the “legitimacy” fight in Myanmar is. Because of this legitimacy fight, SAC had to treat a province leader of Russia as if he were an actual “foreign president”. 👇 Don’t make our fight harder than it already is.
GSC appeals to international community to stand with the political prisoners who are now facing further violence and torture inside Insein prison.👇🏽…
SAC military tied 5 people and burnt them alive. Legitimizing SAC is legitimizing its crimes against humanity. 👇👇👇…
Myanmar’s Spring Revolution Artist - Ma May Khaing
General Strike Coordination Body (@GscbMyanmar) has requested journalists not to post any photos/news about the military parade to be held by power-crazy SAC generals tomorrow. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
We roundly condemn Sri Lanka for its shameful behavior of legitimizing the genocidal terrorist military council (SAC). It was only the third country in the entire world that had done this. Just look at what Min Aung Hlaing wants. To show he’s in charge when he’s actually not. 👇
SAC just made Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ‘homeless’ by giving her house to Aung San Oo.
While UN SE in the country, the people whose village has been burnt down pose the same question Myanmar people have been asking for two years - “How many dead bodies does UN need to take actions?”
Activists in Tanintharyi Region are calling on Thai-based PTT company to stop paying money to SAC-controlled MOGE. Why is it so difficult for the international community to do the right thing? We will fight our own revolution; you stop paying money to murderers!! 📸: crd
We must be mindful that even SAC allowing @ASEAN envoy to meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is not ‘real progress’ unless substantive discussions could be made. Myanmar military held hostage DASSK for years and allowed visiting envoys to meet her to relieve international pressure.
Situation in Myanmar is getting worse with no @ASEAN diplomats to be found whatsoever. Int’l community insisted “ASEAN centrality” but where are they? @Menlu_RI @VivianBala @saifuddinabd…