Oscar had to act cute, everyone was like "Xiong Xiong Jiayou" 😂😂😂 cuteeee
Official weibo account: INTO1官博 🖇 weibo.com/u/7594386977
210520 Rehearsal Liuyu ©️Calvados_刘宇
210521 Rehearsal Zhou Keyu ©️LookingAtYou.周柯宇
210510 PEK✈️ Nine ©️Moonriver°高卿尘
Esquire update with Chuang 2021 students Gan Wangxing, Lin Mo, Liu Yu, Mika, Santa, Zhou Keyu.
Preparation before going to the big stage #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021Final
Gentle Monster update with INTO1 - Mika - Nine - Lin Mo - Bo Yuan
🍉 Patrick begin to think what happens if he can't get the food from the canteen. This year the brothers from Thailand are very good. Meaning is managed to enjoy the life in Chuang. Patrick really can't take the fact that he will separate with others.
210527 INTO1 ©️Fallintoyou°INTO1
🤔🤔🤔🤔 let’s see if this really is their official account~ I’m still skeptical tho 🤣
210623 浪琴表 weibo update with INTO1 #LonginesxINTO1 #INTO1
I AM PROUD OF EVERYONE!!!!! T__T Once again thank you for the 3 months journey! finally the show has come to the end! Thank you for all the support and the help from everyone!! T___T /bow
INTO1 Patrick Yin Haoyu for 京奇探秘夜
Madam Figaro with INTO1 Nine
Goood moorning!!! Are you guys ready for today’s fanmeeting! 😍😍
POWER OF CHUANG NOWNESS invites you to witness the Super Power of Chuang 2021's stundent! Coming in April 17!
#Chuang2021Final Hu Yetao Solo《怪美的》
🍉🍉 Super Novae Games mulai syuting tanggal 20 atau 28 Mei (intinya akhir bulan Mei) nanti bakal rekaman di Ningbo 🍉🍉 Super Novae Games will start recording either on the 20th of May or the 28th (basically end of May) they will record in Ningbo twitter.com/INTO1INA/statu…
Congtratulation number 7! Boyuan!!
Patrick | 尹浩宇 Good Morning & Good Night Message
Patrick seems curious too 👀