Congratulation number 4! Mika!
Patrick will be in Piaget Live tonight 20.00 China Time You can watch it in 天猫 or Taobao App
210502 PEK ✈️ Rikimaru ©️力丸°RomanticPlanet
少年的摸样 team
🍉🍉 Boyuan and Hanjiang hairstyle change
- Patrick - Zhou Keyu - AK Liuzhang
#Chuang2021TheFinal Debut Group Name!! INTO1
Senior Mao Xiaotong Weibo update with NANA PARTY group
#Chuang2021Final Congratulation number 1 THE CENTER!!! LIUYU!!
Don't forget to eat dinner or breakfast or lunch ~
Mika Singing <Flying To The Moon>
210530 Santa weibo update with Mika and Zhou Keyu
Be Mine team performance #CHUANG2021Final #CHUANG2021
Congratulation for all Chuang2021 students graduating from Chuang2021 T---T
#Chuang2021Final Liuyu Solo《关山酒》
ELLE X CHUANG21 《下雨了是我想你》
210521 INTO1 Fancam 《少年的摸样》 ©️无尽沙漏°INTO1 Full:…
2105010✈️ PEK Patrick ©️Affogato1020-尹浩宇
210527 Zhou Keyu ©️Lookingatyou°周柯宇
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you can watch tonight's performance in weibo 🤔 Kalo salah kabarin aja, tpi keliatannya live malam ini bakal ada di taobao 🤔 Link:…
210527 Patrick ©️Peach|尹浩宇Patrick
Zhou Keyu: kalo suatu hari kami ada konser, semoga kalian bisa bersama kami bernyanyi bersama
Q: how do you feel (since they are preparing for 2nd elimination) Wuhai: now I feel a bit nervous, but I think it's not as nervous as during the 1st going to the 2nd public performance. I feel like I have finished another performance and I don't have that much regret