Chibi Aether misses Lumine… + Ayatother
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Tighnather ティナ空 Domestic daily life of α Tighnari and pregnant Ω Aether
アル空 Albether rkgk ⛅大好きなアルベド先輩 🌼空は俺のものだ…
Halloween trick or treat🐺🧛🐳⛅️🎃 #ChildeAether #タル空
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Alhaither ゼン空 ✲Pregnant Omega Aether is irresistible among other Alphas and gets assaulted before Alhaitham saves him in time✲ ⛅️『Haitham…』 🌱『How dare you hurt my mate and my unborn child…💢You’ll pay for this‼️I’ll kill you all‼️』
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Alhaither ゼン空 *α Alhaitham waiting for Ω Aether to grow up and mate him*
#Alhaither #ゼン空 🔞 🅰️🅱️🅾️ Aether is 8 months pregnant 🌱 “Oh Aether, we’re still far from done. Your full womb still lack of my seeds. Be a good boy and take it all. It’ll helps you to easily give birth to a healthy baby soon💕”
Thomaether トマ空 rkgk
Albether アル空 【ENG】 Real Albedo + Fake Albedo x Aether ⛅「There's a new amusement park has opened!Let's go for a date together❣️」 【日本】 本物アルベド + 偽物アルベド x 空 ⛅「わー!新しい遊園地だ!一緒にデートに行こう❣️」
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Tighnather ティナ空 🫄🏼⛅️ ⛅Tighnari? 🦊Hm? ⛅Are you happy? 🦊Married to the one I love and he’s carrying my babies? Yes, I’m so happy I could die💕 ⛅️Really? I’m happy too💕Thank you for choosing me 🦊No, Aether. Thank You for choosing me. I love you💕 ⛅️I love you too💕
Ayatother ヤト空 綾人空 ⛅️W-wait Ayato-sama… You haven’t rested yet! 🌊I won’t wait… I want you now ⛅️B-but the servants are watching…! 🌊You… Get out… 👥Y-Yes sir!!! 🌊Now there’s nothing in our way… ⛅️A-Ayato-sama//// 🌊Hush now… Let me enjoy my sweet time with you
Goodnight from Dainther(*´꒳`*)💤🌙
Ayatother 綾人空 ヤト空 Be mine… be mine… be mine and never anyone else’s 🌊 They’ll never lay a finger on you again. I’ll protect you, Aether. I’ll keep you safe… Be mine and I promise you, you’ll never shed tears again. I swear in the name of Kamisato Ayato.
🅰️🅱️🅾️ ChildeAether タル空 Waking up from a peaceful sleep just cuddling with my beloved
万空 Kazuther + 🐈 rkgk ⛅️So cute~ 🍁Yes you are ⛅️I’m talking about the kitten 🍁You’re the only kitten I see here and you’re the cutest ⛅️(^ ܸ. .ܸ^)︎///////
🅰️🅱️🅾️Childeaether タル空 ⛅️Do I look good? 🐳Breathtaking︎…✨ ⛅️Hehe〜thank you︎💕 🐳Well then… *carries ⛅️* 🐳Let's get you to bed now︎💕 ⛅️I thought we're going out? 🐳And risk of others seeing you like this? Not a chance ⛅️But we're hungry… 🐳I'll feed you two soon︎💕
Ayato & 🐱 Aether + 🍤 綾人 & 🐱 空 + 🍤 Ayatother ヤト空(?)
ChildeAether タル空 rkgk
チビ鍾空の朝 🔶おはよう空、朝ごはん持ってきてる💕 ⛅️おはよう鍾離先生…💕 Chibi Zhongther morning 🔶Good morning Aether, I brought breakfast💕 ⛅️Good morning Zhongli-sensei…💕
Sampo x Caelus rkgk #HonkaiStarRail SamCae サン穹
Albether アル空 rkgk 🌼「子猫空くん可愛いよね…」
Chilther タル空 🐳『No matter how many men you meet across Tevyat, your heart always belongs to me only… So please… don’t ever give it away to someone else…』 *I’ll always remember Chilther is the first pairing that I fell in love before anyone else*