I’m sorry… I have to do it…. ( ˃ ▽ ˂ഃ )
Childeaether タル空 🐳Look Aether, how well you’re taking me in💕 ⛅️Ahn…T-Tartaglia❣️ 🐳I think we already passed the formalities by now ⛅️A-Ajax❣️ 🐳Good boy💕 ⛅️A-Ajax…Ahh…💕I’m~~ 🐳Me too…Get pregnant with my baby ⛅️Nnn…b-baby? 🐳Give birth to our children lots, Aether💕
Sampo x Caelus onsen rkgk サンポ x 穹 #HonkaiStarRail #崩壊スターレイル SamCae サン穹
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Tighnather ティナ空 “Sleep well my darling, I can’t wait for our babies to be born”
The disappointment of Caelus and Sampo’s reaction 🛐🛐🛐 SamCae サン穹
Ayatother 綾人空 ヤト空 🌊 「Are you coveting my Aether now?」
Ayatother ヤト空 🅰️🅱️🅾️ Ayato and Aether is expecting their first child ✲Aether is so sweet to the other guests in the party, but Ayato thinks that they should leave soon and spend time together in their home✲
Alhaither ゼン空 🌱What are you eating, Aether? ⛅️Ham…gr (Hamburger) 🌱Is it good? ⛅️*nods* 🌱May I have some? ⛅️*lifts the fork toward Alhaitham’s lips* 🌱*licks the sauces on Aether’s cheek instead* ⛅️?? 🌱Thank you for the meal. I’d rather have you as my breakfast ⛅️/////
🅰️🅱️🅾️ forced pregnancy Aether
Zhongther 鍾空 🔶『Let me devour you, Aether』
🅰️🅱️🅾️ The father is feeling Aether’s pregnant belly “Our baby is growing so well inside you, Aether”
Alhaither ゼン空 ⛅️Must you pick fights with them? 🌱You know I didn't ⛅️Hold still. I need to treat your wound 🌱You don't need to, I can do it myself ⛅️Fine, I'll leave 🌱Aether ⛅️Just…don't get hurt again…*sniffles* 🌱Aether, I'm sorry ⛅️… 🌱Help…me treat my wound ⛅️Okay…
🅰️🅱️🅾️ ChildeAether タル空 ✲Implied pregnancy ⛅️ Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t give you my phone number because my husband is a very jealous person. I’m afraid he’ll slit your throat right away💕Plus I’m pregnant with his baby💕
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Aether’s womb is Dendrodized “Make sure you take all my seed inside you and give birth to lots of my children”
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Alhaither アル空 (Alhaitham not in here) ⛅️Look baby, daddy’s here 👶🏻*chews his mama’s hair* 🌱How’s our little one, Aether? Did he behaves today? ⛅️He’s so calm today, didn’t cried at all 🌱Did he? You didn’t cause any problem for you mother. Good boy *pats head* 👶🏻Aa!
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Childeaether タル空 👤Hi beautiful, may I join you? ⛅️Oh, I’m sorry. I’m with my family 👤Family? I don’t see them ⛅️They’re… 🐳Sorry I’m late, darling ⛅️It’s okay, dear 🐳Who’s this? Is he bothering you? ⛅️No… He was just about leave 🐳You heard my wife. Fuck off now
👹モラミートより、お前がもっと美味しそう... 👹Rather than Mora Meat, you looked more delicious... #魈空 #xiaother
タル空 🐳 いつか君と家族を作りたい ChildeAether 🐳 I want to create a family with you someday
#Alhaither #ゼン空 idol AU *Alhaitham and Aether is married💍 《After "dance" training session together 🕺🔥》
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Chilther タル空 Happy family 🐳⛅️ 幸せな家族 🐳⛅️
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Albether アル空 “How is my baby doing today? Did you miss papa?”
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Pregnant mommy Aether with the seelies “Okay, baby. Time to cook for daddy dearest💕”