🅰️🅱️🅾️ Tighnather ティナ空 Domestic daily life of α Tighnari and pregnant Ω Aether
Alhaither ゼン空 ⛅️Must you pick fights with them? 🌱You know I didn't ⛅️Hold still. I need to treat your wound 🌱You don't need to, I can do it myself ⛅️Fine, I'll leave 🌱Aether ⛅️Just…don't get hurt again…*sniffles* 🌱Aether, I'm sorry ⛅️… 🌱Help…me treat my wound ⛅️Okay…
Thomaether トマ空 rkgk
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Childeaether タル空 👤Hi beautiful, may I join you? ⛅️Oh, I’m sorry. I’m with my family 👤Family? I don’t see them ⛅️They’re… 🐳Sorry I’m late, darling ⛅️It’s okay, dear 🐳Who’s this? Is he bothering you? ⛅️No… He was just about leave 🐳You heard my wife. Fuck off now
Ayatother ヤト空 綾人空 ⛅️W-wait Ayato-sama… You haven’t rested yet! 🌊I won’t wait… I want you now ⛅️B-but the servants are watching…! 🌊You… Get out… 👥Y-Yes sir!!! 🌊Now there’s nothing in our way… ⛅️A-Ayato-sama//// 🌊Hush now… Let me enjoy my sweet time with you
Sampo x Caelus rkgk #HonkaiStarRail SamCae サン穹
万空 Kazuther + 🐈 rkgk ⛅️So cute~ 🍁Yes you are ⛅️I’m talking about the kitten 🍁You’re the only kitten I see here and you’re the cutest ⛅️(^ ܸ. .ܸ^)︎///////
🅰️🅱️🅾️ ChildeAether タル空 Waking up from a peaceful sleep just cuddling with my beloved
🅰️🅱️🅾️Childeaether タル空 ⛅️Do I look good? 🐳Breathtaking︎…✨ ⛅️Hehe〜thank you︎💕 🐳Well then… *carries ⛅️* 🐳Let's get you to bed now︎💕 ⛅️I thought we're going out? 🐳And risk of others seeing you like this? Not a chance ⛅️But we're hungry… 🐳I'll feed you two soon︎💕
Tighnari husband for Aether rkgk
Chilther タル空 🐳『No matter how many men you meet across Tevyat, your heart always belongs to me only… So please… don’t ever give it away to someone else…』 *I’ll always remember Chilther is the first pairing that I fell in love before anyone else*
🅰️🅱️🅾️ Tighnather ティナ空 🫄🏼⛅️ ⛅Tighnari? 🦊Hm? ⛅Are you happy? 🦊Married to the one I love and he’s carrying my babies? Yes, I’m so happy I could die💕 ⛅️Really? I’m happy too💕Thank you for choosing me 🦊No, Aether. Thank You for choosing me. I love you💕 ⛅️I love you too💕
🅰️🅱️🅾️ ChildeAether タル空 Ajax wants attention from mama their
The disappointment of Caelus and Sampo’s reaction 🛐🛐🛐 SamCae サン穹
Ayatother 綾人空 ヤト空 Be mine… be mine… be mine and never anyone else’s 🌊 They’ll never lay a finger on you again. I’ll protect you, Aether. I’ll keep you safe… Be mine and I promise you, you’ll never shed tears again. I swear in the name of Kamisato Ayato.
Chibi Aether misses Lumine… + Ayatother
Tighnather / Tighnari x Aether son ティナ空 の息子
Goodnight from Dainther(*´꒳`*)💤🌙
アル空 Albether rkgk ⛅大好きなアルベド先輩 🌼空は俺のものだ…
Halloween trick or treat🐺🧛🐳⛅️🎃 #ChildeAether #タル空
タル空 🐳 いつか君と家族を作りたい ChildeAether 🐳 I want to create a family with you someday
ChildeAether タル空 rkgk
👹モラミートより、お前がもっと美味しそう... 👹Rather than Mora Meat, you looked more delicious... #魈空 #xiaother
Ayatotherヤト空 綾人空 『Better to state your business fast before his patience runs out. And never ever glance at his lover if you value your life. He won’t tolerate anyone eyeing his Aether, even if you’re the Archon』