ENHYPEN on Spotify(@EN_onSpotify)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Both PRE-SAVING & doing our best to have HUGE streams on 1st Day & Week will be INSTRUMENTAL in getting good Playlisting! Playlisting is kind of a circle- the more streams u have - the more playlists - the more unique listeners - the less filtering - the more streams u get! 🔃 twitter.com/_4thGenHotIcon…
Hello, @GoldenDisc_en - we noticed that you didn’t include all of the songs ENHYPEN performed in the TITLE for their performance on YouTube! PLEASE ADD #FuturePerfect & #ShoutOut in the Title & Description of their performance video on YouTube!! 🖇️youtu.be/ijvdl_cFL20
Fastest K-Pop Groups to reach 1 Billion Streams on Spotify: 1. Twice - 579 days 2. TXT - 914 days 3. Blackpink - 945 days ENHYPEN are currently on Day 547 with 951M streams!🚀👏🔥 open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
‼️🔊🗣 US ENGENES - today is the LAST day for BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Albums at TARGET! I just got 3 Regular Albums for $35 !!! 💿 The album is currently ON SALE from $25.99 to $15.99 ! 💝 There is a TARGET EXCLUSIVE PHOTOCARD as well!! 🖇YOU CAN BUY HERE: target.com/p/enhypen-mani…
🗣🎧 ENGENES! Our Streaming Party STARTS NOW!!🧛‍♀️ If u have Spotify Premium u can join @enhypenupdates on Stationhead! 🟢For all FREE users - PLS USE THE PLAYLIST below! Use the TAGS: GIVEN-TAKEN TO 100M #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members open.spotify.com/playlist/43UhP…
Spotify South Korea 🇰🇷 Top 200 (9/23) 🟢#Polaroid_Love climbs up 10 spots and lands at #103! ⬆️👏 Days on Chart: 257 🔥 Peak: #13 👑It is the Longest Charting 2022 song by a 4th-Gen boy group! @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN promocards.byspotify.com/share/1abf0c42…
#Given_Taken Spotify Streams (7/19) Day 594: 96,671 Day 595: 95,778 Day 596: 102,447 Day 597: 101,836🔻 TOTAL: 99,693,861 @ENHYPENmemes @ENHYPEN ‼️ON TRACK to become the FASTEST K-Pop BG Debut Song to reach 100M - let’s not slow down! open.spotify.com/playlist/794mM…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 debuts with 2,693,588 Unfiltered streams on Spotify! We did not reach our goal of 4M for the 1st day, but we still have 6 hours of tracking for the DAY 2. ‼️Keep alternating streaming playlists & the whole album 🙏 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈
.@ENHYPEN have 34 tracks: 🟢25 full songs, out of which: - 18 Korean songs - 6 JPN releases - 1 Eng cover 🌀7 Intros + interlude + Outros 🎹2 Instrumentals 🟢750M of #ENHYPEN’s 1B streams come from their Top 10 Most Streamed Songs! twitter.com/EN_onSpotify/s…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (8/12) ⏺Total streams: 1,127,715,568 🟢Daily streams: 2,612,071⬆️ (+148,397) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,308,756 🔻 🗳️Followers: 4,144,994 @ENHYPEN_members ‼️Reminder u guys can plug-in 🎧 & leave a Playlist on while 💤 or busy! ⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/2vdim…
‼️ENGENES, imploring you ALL to PLEASE WEAR FACE MASKS during Soundcheck and the Concert!! PLEASE - Let’s Protect @ENHYPEN, who have a long tour ahead, and let’s protect each other! 🙏💙
‼️ENGENES, there is ONE HOUR LEFT until the end of Tracking Day 1!! (ends at 9am KST) If you can - please put a Focused Playlist on, or simply play the Album once more from beginning to end, to give one extra push to our 1st day Spotify streams! 🙏⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/7MYG8…
#ProjectCrossTheLine 11-Month Update: We’ve ACHIEVED our goal of 95M streams for JUNE!!🥳🔥 We’ve been doing GREAT - daily streams have gotten up to 130K!👏 Let’s keep this up and we will achieve our goal of 100M by the end of July! @ENHYPEN_members 🖇 open.spotify.com/playlist/43UhP… twitter.com/EN_onSpotify/s…
🟢#Polaroid_Love is currently #1 on the Spotify Playlist *hits different* (with 244K followers!) 👏🔥😁 REMEMBER when u Play #FuturePerfect from Curated Playlists - you have to play other songs in between as well, to not “loop”. So USE other Enha songs! open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
#FuturePerfect is currently #1 on Spotify’s Official Playlist “Energy Booster: K-Pop” (w/ 365K followers)!!🔥👏 🖇STREAM HERE: spoti.fi/3UCRYNU More @ENHYPEN on this Playlist: #7 - #Tamed_Dashed #14 - #Blessed_Cursed #23 - #Drunk_Dazed Pls ONLY Stream EN- from here!💙
ENGENES - here is a Playlist with the #MANIFESTO_IN_SEOUL Day 1 Setlist!! ENJOY! OUR @ENHYPEN_members - you were SPECTACULAR - we couldn’t be more proud of you!!! WE LOVE YOU!💙💙💙 ENHYPEN SEOUL INVASION #EN_WORLDTOUR_MANIFESTO #MANIFESTO_IN_SEOUL_D1 open.spotify.com/playlist/1owgQ…
Fastest K-Pop Groups to reach 1 Billion Streams on Spotify: 1. Twice - 579 days 2. TXT - 914 days 3. Blackpink - 945 days ENHYPEN are currently on Day 561 with 980M streams!!🔥 open.spotify.com/playlist/1lubK…
#Given_Taken has surpassed 96M streams on Spotify!🥳 Day 563: 123,550 Day 564: 125,692 Day 565: 133,348⬆️ TOTAL: 96,116,094 G-T is ON TRACK to become the FASTEST K-Pop Boy Group Debut Song to reach 100M! We’re doing AMAZING!!🔥👏 Let’s keep this up!! open.spotify.com/playlist/43UhP…
.@ENHYPEN have surpassed 5M followers on Spotify!!! 🥳🚀🔥 They are the: 🟢5th MOST FOLLOWED 4th Gen K-Pop Group on the platform ✨ 🔘23rd Most Followed K-Pop Group on the platform overall!! 👏 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/5kYUw…
‼️ENGENES - Ni-Ki’s mom isn’t our friend, nor is her Twitter account a place to spam, and have conversations & jokes with your mutuals under her tweets!! PLEASE RESPECT THE MEMBERS’ PARENTS!!! Don’t treat them as if they’re your Twitter mutuals. Have boundaries, PLEASE!
#FuturePerfect  has surpassed 2M streams on Spotify! Day 1: 642,549 Day 2: 750,960 Day 3: 705,838🔻 TOTAL: 2,099,347 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members ‼️Please stream from playlists whenever possible!🙏 ⬇️ 🔗open.spotify.com/playlist/5IMSQ…
#FuturePerfect has been added to Spotify’s Playlist “K-POP Rising” (with 689K followers) at #1!!!🔥 ‼️Please stream it from there, & then stop the playlist afterwards! ➡️ spoti.fi/3bNwhsN #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1  #ENHYPEN  @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
.@ENHYPEN have surpassed 4M followers on Spotify!!🔥👏 ⏺Total streams: 1,068,491,729 🟢Daily streams: 2,581,332🔻 (-26,122) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,123,624⬆️ (+23,521) 🗳️Followers: 4,003,772 open.spotify.com/playlist/5IMSQ…
Day 4 possible numbers of Spotify voting (11/13) *️⃣Using NOV 9th (day before voting) as a comparison baseline for all artists’ Daily Increases! POST-VOTING STREAMS INCREASE: Day 1: 21K Day 2: 19K Day 3: 18K Day 4: 24K⬆️🔥🥂 @ENHYPEN are currently 5th in streams increase!
#Drunk_Dazed becomes @ENHYPEN’s 2nd song to surpass 120M streams on Spotify!!🔥🧛‍♀️ CONGRATS!!!🥳👏🎉 Day 385: 201,278 Day 386: 213,599 Day 387: 212,255 Day 388: 216,684 Day 389: 213,108🔻 TOTAL: 120,126,280 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN 🖇open.spotify.com/playlist/3U9Cg…