ENHYPEN on Spotify(@EN_onSpotify)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (1/8) ⏺Total streams: 1,469,630,543 🟢Daily streams: 2,267,406⬆️ (+101K)🔥 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,119,579⬆️ (+18K) 🗳️Followers: 4,861,862 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/04UjK…
ENGENES, let’s all show our support for #Heeseung, #Jay, #Jake, & #Ni_Ki on Mnet's "TMI NEWS SHOW"! 😍😍😍😍 ♥️Send your encouragement and support with the TAGS BELOW: ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ TMI NEWS WITH HEEJAYKEKI #ENHYPENonTMINEWS #ENHYPEN  @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #엔하이픈
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 has surpassed 13M streams on Spotify! (7/10) Day 1: 2,693,588 Day 2: 2,456,886 Day 3: 2,040,628 Day 4: 1,775,897 Day 5: 1,584,740 Day 6: 1,345,238 Day 7: 1,212,694🔻 TOTAL: 13,109,671 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 open.spotify.com/album/5J8MNLLV…
#FuturePerfect Spotify Streams (7/11) Day 6: 547,099 Day 7: 495,144 Day 8: 522,925⬆️👏 TOTAL: 4,962,082 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈  #MANIFESTO_DAY1 🗣Streams going back up! Pls have a Playlist on with 🎧 while u multi-task if u can!! open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY…
‼️ENGENES, there is a little less than 9 HOURS LEFT until the end of Tracking Day 1!! (ends at 9am KST) Pls keep using our #MANIFESTO_DAY1 Playlists! We have 3 so far - if u’re about to 💤 - u can also QUEUE all 3 of them one after the other!😉 open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY…
🔊ENGENES! As you guys know we are aiming to get to 1B streams on Spotify BEFORE or ON #Sunoo’s birthday, so that we give him this achievement as a Bday gift!☀️💝 PLS JOIN US for a Streaming Party w/ @Team_Sunoo on June 22 from 4-6PM KST, here on Twt - Playlist will be provided!
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 b-sides on Spotify (7/5) 📌DAY 2: ⏺#ShoutOut- 899,077 streams (+426,425🔻) ⏺#EN_TFW - 894,520 streams (+421,527🔻) ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion - 795,061 streams (+351,778🔻) ⏺#Foreshadow- 672,336 streams (+294,930🔻) ⏺#Walk_The_Line-495,971 streams (211,266🔻)
#BORDER_CARNIVAL has surpassed 390M streams on Spotify!! (8/12) 👑It is still @ENHYPEN’s Most Streamed Album on the platform!! Day 472: 567,913 Day 473: 562,866 Day 474: 570,907⬆️ TOTAL: 390,678,615 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN ‼️COMING FOR 400M SOON!🔥 open.spotify.com/album/4LGYBcRs…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (6/7) ⏺Total streams: 968,119,792 🟢Daily streams: 2,209,936⬆️ (+111,048) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,350,004🔻 🗳️Followers: 3,752,585 🖤We have 23 days to do 32M! We’re on track!🔥👏 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B open.spotify.com/playlist/1lubK…
Spotify South Korea 🇰🇷 Top 200 (7/5) #FuturePerfect is the biggest gainer on Top Songs South Korea, up 42 spots at #61!🔥👏 🟢#61 - #FuturePerfect - 4,489 streams #92 - PL #132⬆️ (+29) - #EN_TFW  #150⬆️ (+23) - #ShoutOut #186🔻- #Paradoxxxinvasion  open.spotify.com/track/6PRy17C5…
#Given_Taken has surpassed 98M streams on Spotify! Day 581: 100,522 Day 582: 125,712 Day 583: 124,571🔻 TOTAL: 98,191,585 ON TRACK to become the FASTEST K-Pop BG Debut Song to reach 100M! ‼️NEW #MANIFESTO_DAY1 + Given-Taken Playlist below!!⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/794mM…
⚡️ENGENES - REMINDER that our Album Spotify Goal for DIMENSION: SENKOU is 300K!! ✅Spotify’s Tracking Day is from 9am-8:59am KST/JST 🗣Since ALWAYS is already Pre-Released, this means its streams NOW are ALREADY COUNTING towards the 1st day album goal! open.spotify.com/playlist/1oTuR…
🗣🔈ENGENES - we have fallen under 2M per day - BUT - if we can average 2M daily streams - we can MAKE THE 1B streams in 10 days - exactly on SUNOO’S BIRTHDAY!! Wouldn’t that be an AMAZING GIFT???!!!💕💕💕 PLEASE LET’S TRY TO PICK UP OUR STREAMS! open.spotify.com/playlist/4GiQc…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 has surpassed 8M streams on Spotify! Day 1: 2,693,588 Day 2: 2,456,886 Day 3: 2,040,628 Day 4: 1,775,897🔻 TOTAL: 8,966,999 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members 🎧🔗 open.spotify.com/playlist/794mM…
#FuturePerfect debuts with 642,549 streams on the Spotify counter! We didn’t make our goal of 1.2M for the 1st day, but - let’s try to have a big increase for Day 2! We still have 6 hours of tracking @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #MANIFESTO_DAY1
#FuturePerfect has been added to Spotify’s biggest K-Pop Playlist “K-POP ON! (온)” (w/ 4M followers) at #4! ‼️PLS STREAM IT FROM THERE (& then stop playlist) - so we can have it RISE in position!👊🔥 #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
🔊💗KCON LA ENGENES💗🔊 Lets please turn our Lightsticks PINK during ENHYPEN’s set at #Kcon for Sunoo!! 💞Let’s support @ENHYPEN & show Sunoo how much we love & miss him! Please RETWEET & tell your fellow ENGENES in person too! #Kcon  #KCON2022LA  #ENHYPEN_KCON #ENHYPENinLA twitter.com/en_concert/sta…
.@ENHYPEN Highest 1st Week Title-Track Streams on Spotify: 1. Drunk-Dazed - 5,895,013 2. Tamed-Dashed - 5,334,220 3. Blessed-Cursed - 5,044,252 4. #FuturePerfect- 4,439,157🆕 5. Given-Taken - 3,455,632 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN  🎧🖇 open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY…
‼️ENGENES - reminder to please PRE-SAVE #MANIFESTO_DAY1 if you haven’t yet! #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN It is the equivalent to Pre-Orders - it’s REALLY IMPORTANT, & it’s the BEST WAY for us to help with getting @ENHYPEN_members GOOD PLAYLISTING upon release!⬇️ presave.umusic.com/manifestoday1
Only 30 minutes till @ENHYPEN get interviewed and perform at the Grammy Museum in LA!!🔥👏🥂 💙LET’S SHOW THEM OUR SUPPORT, please SPREAD THE TAGS: ENHYPEN AT THE GRAMMY MUSEUM #ENHYPEN_GlobalSpinLive @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN
🌏 Spotify Top Artists Global (7/4) #122 - @ENHYPEN Re-Entry Total days on Chart: 12 Peak: 101 ‼️Let’s do our best to rise on this Chart & get a HIGHER PEAK!! We’re on Day 2 of Tracking still - Keep Streaming! 🔥👏 #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈   @ENHYPEN_members promocards.byspotify.com/share/526aaedd…
🗣#POLAROID_LOVE has surpassed 99M streams on Spotify‼️🔥 🔈ALMOST AT 100M!! LET’S GET THERE ASAP!! 🚀 Day 153: 383,688 Day 154: 380,424 Day 155: 385,502⬆️ TOTAL: 99,255,368 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN ‼️We’ve slowed down - PLS let’s get back to 400K! open.spotify.com/playlist/4GiQc…
SPOTIFY GLOBAL 200 Charting, and Filtered vs Unfiltered streams! *not entire chart shown - stats shown up to our peak 🟢 #Polaroid_Love stats: - Days on Chart: 45 - Peak: #128 #PassTheMic_ToSpotify #FuturePerfect #ParadoXXXInvasion @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
Hello @Twitter & @TwitterSupport, I have been following @enhypenupdates for long and saw that their account got suspended suddenly. The account owners have never violated any of the Twitter rules. Kindly look into this matter as soon as possible. Thank you. Case # 0280060973
#DIMENSION_ANSWER has surpassed 300M streams on Spotify!!🥳👏 🥈This is @ENHYPEN’s 2nd Album to surpass this mark!🚀 ‼️Just the 3 new songs from D:A have surpassed 127M so far post-release!🔥 🔘PRE-RELEASE: 91,836,984 Day 128: 1,088,732 Day 129: 1,127,037⬆️ TOTAL: 300,676,073