沼ハマの Indonesian BESTYちゃん達、可愛いかった!! 世界中にBESTYが🥲💕 I was so glad to see your happy faces on #NHK沼 !! You guys are such cuties❤️ #BEFIRST seemed so happy to see many Indonesian fans. I really hope that all international BESTYs could get to see them live soon! twitter.com/BESTY_ID/statu…
@billboardcharts OMG! 4TH PLACE🥲🥲✨ Big congrats to #BEFIRST and #BESTY!!!🎉🎉 #Gifted has now been in the top 10 for 14weeks straight on the #HotTrendingSongs charts!!🎉 I'm pretty sure that their next song #BraveGeneration will appear on this chart soon!!! youtube.com/watch?v=Tar2TZ…
この動画が2月28日迄の限定公開って嘘だよね?😭😭 苦しい時に生きていく力をくれる、 この動画が期間限定って嘘だよね?😭 (6) #BEFIRST is a #gifted group, born from a #BraveGeneration so I can’t wait for #ByeGoodBye (↑過去の福タグ、ご自由にドゾ💕) youtube.com/watch?v=Tar2TZ…
スキズファンさんのお言葉の、意訳です🥲💕 「#BEFIRST をチェックしたよ♥️ 私は #Gifted が大好きで #BraveGeneration がお気に入り! ライブもチェックしたけど、ダンスも上手いし歌もcoolね! これからも絶対チェックするわ! Ryokiもめっちゃよかった〜! 私たちのスキズを愛してくれて有難う💖」 twitter.com/asianmeanie/st…
Big congrats to #befirst and BESTYs🎉 Their single #Gifted is staying in the top 10 on the #HotTrendingSongs for 9weeks straight now. Even though they just debuted 9 weeks ago😃 Amazing achievement for a very new boy group!! youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
@billboard @Twitter Such a great achievement for a brand-new group!!! Biiig congratulations to BE:FIRST and all BESTY!! BESTY, you guys are so AMAZING💕💕💕 #BEFIRST #Gifted #BESTY  @BEFIRSTofficial
BE:FIRST is a very new dance and vocal group but they already have many enthusiastic fans around the world. These fans are known as "BESTY"😀 If you watch their performance, I'm sure you will become a BESTY too!! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
Aww...Thanks so much #WorldMusicAwards for mentioning #BEFIRST's #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye again💕❤️ As you may have heard, they will be releasing their new song #BetrayalGame soon and I'm pretty sure it will be on the #HotTrendingSongs in no time ☺️ Pls keep an eye on them🙏🙏💕 twitter.com/WORLDMUSICAWAR…
※あしゅタグ NO2 海外BESTYより愛を込めて❤️ 文頭の (A数字) をとって、ご自由にお使い下さい🥰 (A2) My day starts with #BEFIRST's #Gifted, #BraveGeneration or #ByeGoodBye !! 訳)私の一日は BEFIRSTの Gifted, BraveGeneration, ByeGoodBye のどれかで始まる!!
SOTA is the dance leader of BE:FIRST. He gave away his GIFTED carrier as a world famous dancer and choreographer to pursue his dream of becoming a singer. We BESTYs are thankful for his courage💖 #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #Gifted youtube.com/watch?v=br_N4P…
📣📈📣HTSに関するお知らせ • G ➡︎『🌟🌟 HTS 22週連続TOP10🌟🌟』 • G/BGB ➡︎『✨✨5週連続 2曲同時TOP10✨✨』 を目指して、Gは11位と僅差で奮闘中です!! ⏰〆の14時⏰迄宜しくお願いします🙏 🥰↓短め英文、コピペで自由にお使い下さい🥰 #BEFIRST 's #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye heal me.❤️ twitter.com/Kyana_BESTY/st…
🎉Congrats to BE:FIRST's BraveGeneration for 2M views🎉 "不安定を謳歌して シナリオ踏みつけろ‼️" ってRyokiが叫んでるし、 シナリオなんて踏みつけさせて貰います! 不安定も謳歌しよっと! My day starts with #BEFIRST's #Gifted, #BraveGeneration or #ByeGoodBye!! youtube.com/watch?v=Tar2TZ…
📣📣📣HTSについて、大切なお知らせ HTS締め時間についてのお知らせです❤️ 以下のしろさんのtweetにある様に 「⏰⏰ 金曜日 14:00 が 締め ⏰⏰」 として考えて頂く方が安全では? という意見に現時点でまとまっています。(複数人で検証中) お時間のある方、ご協力の程どうぞ宜しくお願いします🙇 twitter.com/bes_bmsg_shiro…