海外垢の為、RTいただかないとポイント反映されないのですが、いつもしてくださる皆さん、本当にありがとうございます🥲❤️ HotTrendingSongsに少しでも貢献したく、毎日一つは英語で熱い気持ちを呟くことを日課にしております。 今後もRTしていただけると、嬉しいです🥰☺️ #HotTrendingSongs
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted I have never listened to the same song so repeatedly. Every time I listen to it, their passion touches my soul. Gifted by BE:FIRST is No7 on the billboard charts, check it out! youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted BE:FIRST made their debut only a month ago. However, their first single Gifted is No7 on the billboard charts already!! I can't get enough of this song... youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted Gifted. by BE:FIRST is now streamed in over 120 countries on Spotify. I can't believe that they are trending so much, considering they only debuted last month!! Check out their music video⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted BE:FIRST is killing it recently!! Even though they just debuted a month ago, their debut song "Gifted" is staying in the top10 on the Billboard charts for the last 3 weeks. Check out their first live performance! youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted #BEFIRST_Gifted Can you believe BE:FIRST debuted only one month ago? Their debut single "Gifted." is already streamed in over 120 countries already. I'm positive you will love it so check out this emotional song!! youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
BESTYちゃんたちの熱量が熱量が😭😭😭 BE:FIRSTにとって、 Gifted.なBESTY一人一人が 大きなGiftだなあ って勝手に思ってる🥲🥲💕 #HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted #BEFIRST_Gifted
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted OMG OMG OMG!!! BE:FIRST's "Gifted." is now No3 on the billboard Hot Trending Songs charts. Such a great achievement for a brand-new group, unbelievable! Let get it to No1 in the world!! youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
I cannot get enough of this song! (何回やってもうまくいかないんだけれど、これであってるかな?) #BEFIRST #Gifted #BEFIRST_Gifted #HotTrendingSongs Check out "Gifted." by BE:FIRST on this week's Hot Trending Songs Powered by Twitter! billboard.com/charts/twitter… @billboardより
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted #ShiningOne You've probably never heard of BE:FIRST-they only debuted last month! They are lighting up the charts around world. Check out their debut single, Gifted currently sitting at No3 on the billboard charts!! youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted #ShiningOne BE:FIRST are not just great singers, but led by Sota, a four time world hip-hop champion, their dance moves are awesome as well. Check out their debut single "Gifted" dance practice! youtube.com/watch?v=25FXGB…
私が選ぶTwitterトレンド大賞は、BE:FIRSTです! BE:FIRSTがきっかけになり、Twitterの楽しさを知ることができました。 海外にいても日本のファンダムと繋がることができる、Twitterに感謝です✨✨ #Twitterトレンド大賞 #befirst #gifted #befirst_gifted
#HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted #befirst_gifted. BE:FIRST debuted only a month ago and now they are No3 on the billboard "hot trending songs" charts. If you'd like to know why they are trending so fast, check out their music video!! youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
heyhey、今悲しいBESTYちゃんたち‼️ ・コロナで帰国許可降りないw ・交通費、隔離費で100万越えw ・そもそも応募すらできないw ・闘病中の為、現地まで介助者必須w ⬆︎なイチBESTYが通りますよ〜 「ふくちゃんよりいっか!次がある!」 って思ってくれたら ウレシイ(´∀`)ノ✨ #befirst_gifted
BE:FIRST is a very new dance and vocal group but they already have many enthusiastic fans around the world. These fans are known as "BESTY"😀 If you watch their performance, I'm sure you will become a BESTY too!! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
BE:FIRST is the first Japanese group to make it into the Top10 on the billboard charts. Their debut single "Gifted" has now been in the Top10 for over 5weeks. Check them out!! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
ALREADY!!? BE:FIRST debuted just last month and now they are No3 on the billboard "hot trending songs"charts. If you watch their performance, you'll find out whey they are trending so quickly! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
@billboard @Twitter Such a great achievement for a brand-new group!!! Biiig congratulations to BE:FIRST and all BESTY!! BESTY, you guys are so AMAZING💕💕💕 #BEFIRST #Gifted #BESTY  @BEFIRSTofficial
😭😭BESTYちゃん達が尊すぎて…😭😭 💖他者には優しく温かく、 💖ライブに行けなくても前向きで、 💖ピンチの時ほど絶対に諦めず、 💖結束して燃え上がる一つのteam こんなファンダムって他にあるの⁉️ BE:FIRSTは、やはりGifted.なのだと再再認識… #BEFIRST #Gifted #BESTY  @BEFIRSTofficial
Everyone is talking about BE:FIRST’s "Gifted" but did you know their previous song "Shining one"? This video is their first ever performance which was the opening act at a major music festival. Check it out!! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=Lp_6Yo…
I was so surprised that BE:FIRST’s "Gifted" was No3 on the billboard charts last week...Can you believe they are still holding onto the same spot again this week. REMEMBER, they only debuted last month!!! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
💖多くのBESTYちゃん達に届け💖 聞き取り難いけれど、開始7秒のあたり。 ”As we continue to be ’Gifted ’with BB HTS..." オープニングで、"Gifted."を言葉遊びで紹介しています‼️ 胸熱🥲なのでシェアさせて下さい💕 「もう知ってたぜ!」の方、ご容赦文字数 #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted twitter.com/billboard/stat…
❤️全リョウキ推しさんへ届け!❤️ ずっと言いたかった事ので、長文ですが読んでいただけると嬉しい…🥰 (要約)「アニキの字は、決してきたなくありません、普通です💕それどころか、Gifted.であります!」 #RYOKI #BEFIRST #Gifted #BESTY
BE:FIRST's first single "Gifted." is staying in the top10 on the billboard charts for over 7weeks. If you would like to know why such a new boy group did it, check out this fascinating article😉 #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #Gifted billboard.com/music/music-ne… @billboard
熱心な🇮🇩BESTY @BESTY_ID ちゃんから拡散依頼があり、🇺🇸のAshちゃんがまとめてくれました。 そちらを🇦🇺からシェアさせて頂きます! (✨うぅぅん、BESTYって既にグローバル✨) お時間ある方、投票してくれると嬉しいです💕 @BESTY_ID #BEFIRST #Gifted twitter.com/Yoshibu/status…