#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST #Gifted #ShiningOne You've probably never heard of BE:FIRST-they only debuted last month! They are lighting up the charts around world. Check out their debut single, Gifted currently sitting at No3 on the billboard charts!! youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
#HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted #befirst_gifted. BE:FIRST debuted only a month ago and now they are No3 on the billboard "hot trending songs" charts. If you'd like to know why they are trending so fast, check out their music video!! youtube.com/watch?v=hwc6dE…
#HotTrendingSongs #BEFIRST's next song #BraveGeneration will be released at the end of this month. This song is emotional and uplifting and I can't stop listening to it but the song closest to my heart is still their debut single #Gifted.❤️ youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
Big congrats to #befirst and BESTYs🎉 Their single #Gifted is staying in the top 10 on the #HotTrendingSongs for 9weeks straight now. Even though they just debuted 9 weeks ago😃 Amazing achievement for a very new boy group!! youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
@billboard @Twitter Such a great achievement for a brand-new group!!! Biiig congratulations to BE:FIRST and all BESTY!! BESTY, you guys are so AMAZING💕💕💕 #BEFIRST #Gifted #BESTY  @BEFIRSTofficial
BE:FIRST is a very new dance and vocal group but they already have many enthusiastic fans around the world. These fans are known as "BESTY"😀 If you watch their performance, I'm sure you will become a BESTY too!! #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #gifted youtube.com/watch?v=J4QGCp…
Aww...Thanks so much #WorldMusicAwards for mentioning #BEFIRST's #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye again💕❤️ As you may have heard, they will be releasing their new song #BetrayalGame soon and I'm pretty sure it will be on the #HotTrendingSongs in no time ☺️ Pls keep an eye on them🙏🙏💕 twitter.com/WORLDMUSICAWAR…
📣📈📣HTSに関するお知らせ • G ➡︎『🌟🌟 HTS 22週連続TOP10🌟🌟』 • G/BGB ➡︎『✨✨5週連続 2曲同時TOP10✨✨』 を目指して、Gは11位と僅差で奮闘中です!! ⏰〆の14時⏰迄宜しくお願いします🙏 🥰↓短め英文、コピペで自由にお使い下さい🥰 #BEFIRST 's #Gifted and #ByeGoodBye heal me.❤️ twitter.com/Kyana_BESTY/st…
この動画が2月28日迄の限定公開って嘘だよね?😭😭 苦しい時に生きていく力をくれる、 この動画が期間限定って嘘だよね?😭 (6) #BEFIRST is a #gifted group, born from a #BraveGeneration so I can’t wait for #ByeGoodBye (↑過去の福タグ、ご自由にドゾ💕) youtube.com/watch?v=Tar2TZ…
🎉Congrats to BE:FIRST's BraveGeneration for 2M views🎉 "不安定を謳歌して シナリオ踏みつけろ‼️" ってRyokiが叫んでるし、 シナリオなんて踏みつけさせて貰います! 不安定も謳歌しよっと! My day starts with #BEFIRST's #Gifted, #BraveGeneration or #ByeGoodBye!! youtube.com/watch?v=Tar2TZ…
※あしゅタグ NO2 海外BESTYより愛を込めて❤️ 文頭の (A数字) をとって、ご自由にお使い下さい🥰 (A2) My day starts with #BEFIRST's #Gifted, #BraveGeneration or #ByeGoodBye !! 訳)私の一日は BEFIRSTの Gifted, BraveGeneration, ByeGoodBye のどれかで始まる!!
SOTA is the dance leader of BE:FIRST. He gave away his GIFTED carrier as a world famous dancer and choreographer to pursue his dream of becoming a singer. We BESTYs are thankful for his courage💖 #HotTrendingSongs #befirst #Gifted youtube.com/watch?v=br_N4P…
📣📣📣HTSについて、大切なお知らせ HTS締め時間についてのお知らせです❤️ 以下のしろさんのtweetにある様に 「⏰⏰ 金曜日 14:00 が 締め ⏰⏰」 として考えて頂く方が安全では? という意見に現時点でまとまっています。(複数人で検証中) お時間のある方、ご協力の程どうぞ宜しくお願いします🙇 twitter.com/bes_bmsg_shiro…