Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Exclusively: One banner somewhere downtown in 🇨🇳: “Xi Jinping directed the release of #COVID-19 virus. Enemy of Mankind. CCP ≠ Chinese”! What a brave & brilliant action to express the real voice, escaping the strict surveillance successfully 👍 The collapse of CCP-Xi is coming! twitter.com/lude_media/sta…
“Evidence indicates that the U.S. real estate industry is infiltrated by 🇨🇳 for the purpose of moving agents &💰 to support espionage activities, including the acquisition of residential properties near vital 🇺🇸 military installations”-Col. Lawrence Sellin thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/u-s-re…
劉大力律師實名為民請命,是为勇士!👍👍👍 twitter.com/Ferris90985630…
Dr. Yan-Yong Jiang is the whistleblower from PLA, who revealed CCP’s cover-up of SARS1 outbreak in 2003. Therefore, he was persecuted and silenced by CCP until the last minutes of his life. Dr. Jiang passed away on Mar 11, 2023. We appreciate his rightness and courage! R.I.P. 🙏🏻 twitter.com/NewCenturyBaop…
From a big infectious doctor WeChat group in 🇨🇳. PLA & civil doctors agreed that current #COVID symptoms are worse than omicron in the spring, with higher transmission & more virulent. Pneumonia cases are increasing like in 2020, esp. for patients with 3+days respiratory symptoms
I will be with Benny @bennyjohnson at 9pm EST tonight on @TheBennyReport. Please join us for the updates of #COVID, #WinterOlympics and CCP’s unrestricted bioweapon program.
3. Viral hemorrhage fever can be caused by Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Dengue, or yellow fever viruses. To note, CCP put huge efforts in searching, collecting & studying such lethal viruses for Unrestricted Bioweapon program for decades. Some outcomes were applied to design SARS-CoV-2
‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews! Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
Colonel Tao JIANG in PLA Academy of Military Medical Science, emphasized after meeting with Xi Jinping recently: “We must remember Chairman Xi’s demands, with the task of innovation in the military, to guarantee that research outcomes fulfill the needs in the future bio-warfare.” twitter.com/dezying/status…
Update of 🇨🇳 #COVID tsunami • Workload in many funeral homes increases 5-10 fold by estimate. • First-hand data shows >60% white lung in CT scan cases. • New immune escape variants? What is Human Mine in 🇨🇳? The Voice of Dr. Yan Sat/Sun 9am/4pm ET LIVE rdo.to/TALKLOUD
Very informative findings of #COVID19 origin by Prof. Yong-Zhen Zhang, who published the 1st SARS2 sequence in 🇨🇳 Take home messages •Zhoushan bat SL-CoV ZC45 by Military team •No animal hosts near Wuhan •Raccoon dog is NOT host •This work was delayed His paper tells a lot✌🏻 twitter.com/jbloom_lab/sta…
As a #UyghurGenocide survivor from Xinjiang, the brave young man told people in USC “The massive #COVID quarantine camps in 🇨🇳 are actually concentration camps. What happened in Xinjiang today, will happen to others tomorrow!” Sure, CCP-Xi will let it happen all over the world! twitter.com/TahirIzgil/sta…
For the last question from @LouDobbs on 23 Sep, 2020 (1+yr ago), my reply was “CCP has more Unrestricted Bioweapons using different zoonotic viruses in stock” Big Q: If CCP release any high-death rate viruses next time, will new vax passport be required?👇🏻 youtu.be/Hj6ZIZY5-N4 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Please retweet if you want to help Dr Sellin and Lude for spreading COVID-truth and anti-CCP/Xi Jinping! @elonmusk #Musk #musktwitter twitter.com/RyutaroSatoshi…
Li Zhanshu, the 3rd important member of CCP was brought to Moscow to lucid CCP-Xi’s loyalty & support to Russia. See how the 🇷🇺 officials stared down him in the video! CCP can’t stay behind the curtain any more - the allied CCP-Russia will continually attack Free World! #電視認罪 twitter.com/TGTM_Official/…
Yes, that’s why we saw articles with data about ADE in 2020. But lack of further studies until now!👇🏻 - Dr. Malone: The designers in the pharmaceutical industry won’t study the risks of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) or vax-enhanced diseases. #COVID19 #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost/st…
The point is that 🇨🇳 can develop various of Unrestricted Bioweapons without 💰 from WHO or any other organizations, because it’s CCP-Xi JinPing’s national strategy against the western civilization! As long as 🇨🇳 regime exists, their massive infiltration & attacks can’t be ended. twitter.com/emilyakopp/sta…
Fox News “Republicans trying to unearth the origins of COVID-19 say they will launch a full-blown investigation – with the support of subpoena power – into the cause of the global pandemic if the GOP takes control of Congress in January.”👍👍👍 foxnews.com/politics/repub…
補充:請大家區分預防和治療方案,具體個人用藥盡量諮詢身邊可靠的西醫,不要濫用混用。兒童減量,使用硫酸羥氯奎治療時,每日不超過5mg/kg。注意補充維生素C和D3。肺炎需要用抗生素治療繼發感染。症狀消退後不要馬上運動和勞累,這種肺炎相關的消耗性疾病需要多補充蛋白質和休息。請互相幫助和自救🙏🏻 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
習帝引領的撒幣賣國主義並非一朝一夕速成的。中共「自古以來」就是以俄共和列寧組織為核心延伸到中國的反人類狗腿子體系,其從事的包括並不限於大規模破壞、奴役、劫掠、殺戮、洗腦和宣傳…而自認即將「羽化成龍」的習不忘初心,暗中天價引進俄天然氣管道和對俄開放青島港等,將自己的愚昧無恥盡現無遺 twitter.com/Saint__Michel/…
Take away message in the press: • #COVID19 🦠 is a product of 🇨🇳BIOWEAPON program • The pandemic was launched intentionally by CCP as BIOATTACK • Compromised scientists formed misinformation campaign • American IC & officers need to realize the truth • CCP is at War with 🇺🇸 twitter.com/securefreedom/…
My latest interview on Charisma Media“The coming to Christ of Yan, a well-educated virologist & medical doctor, embodies the total failure of CCP to meet the deep spiritual needs of over 1billion people...now standing up to the evils of CCP”charismanews.com/opinion/88543-… @charisma_news
Precisely! #VladimirPutin is a war criminal, and now so is #Xi 沒錯!普京是戰犯,習近平現在也是戰犯! twitter.com/GordonGChang/s…
Be aware of bioweapon propaganda from CCP, including 1. #COVID19 was released by 🇺🇸 in Military Games in Wuhan in 2019 2. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is spread by lab monkeys escaped from the truck in PA 3. 🇺🇸 plans to release bioweapons in 🇨🇳 during Winter Olympics 4. 🇺🇦-🇺🇸 bio-labs twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Lancet reported my ex-boss Malik Peiris’ lecture in ECCMID. It is deceptive! To mix ORIGIN of #COVID19 pandemic with other outbreaks of zoonotic pathogens in nature, and connect to issues like climate change, is equal to define Chernobyl as natural-origin! thelancet.com/journals/lanre…