Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

曹興誠先生義舉救台灣❗️👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 習和中共顛覆接管台灣的超限戰已經正式開始了,只有曹先生這樣有大智慧又真正愛台的台灣人勇敢團結起來,台灣-中華民國才能在世界舞台上屹立生輝! 有些事情香港只能演示給世界一次,請台灣朋友不要再猶豫和被蒙蔽了🙏🏻 我們一起打敗邪惡中共! youtu.be/uRiBqnd2WtQ
Steve Kirsch raised a crucial concern of potential hemorrhagic fever pandemic. Good question! A: It’s difficult to cause a pandemic using such high-death rate viruses(can be noticed & restricted better than #COVID19). But CCP wanna cause panic & chaos🌍! stevekirsch.substack.com/p/will-hemorrh…
CCP’s agents & comprised experts failed to muddy the water! “Expert analysis of the audio clip posted on YouTube channel of Lude Media appears authentic - The meeting discusses the roadmap of ‘normal to war transition’ plan.” 中共休想詆毀這份音頻的真實性! ibtimes.com/140000-soldier…
Always. Yan Research Team is working on the 4th Yan Report to reveal the fabrication of “novel 🦇 CoVs” found in LAOS, Cambodia & Thailand. Those 🦠 are promoted by pro-nature-origin scientists. But none of them is real in the nature - Same as famous RaTG13 & pangolin viruses! twitter.com/lalitsinghania…
CCP regime promotes rumors that #COVID19 is an American bioweapon released by🇺🇸 Q: •Why CCP covered up Wuhan outbreak for months? •Why WIV & CCP military scientists claimed SARS2 from nature, with fabricated data? •Why backbone of SARS2-ZC45/ZXC21 viruses-ONLY belongs to PLA? twitter.com/TGTM_Official/…
It’s my honor to visit the respectful Doctor Bob - Founder of Cognex, Robert J. Shillman - and had a very serious conversation in his studio. After over 2 yrs of pandemic, CCP’s military-origin of #COVID seems still “too sensitive” for media like @YouTube. rumble.com/vvl3tu-ep-12-c…
My concerns for recent outbreak in 🇨🇳: Why is it like Wuhan in Jan 2020? Why the Omicron symptoms are more severe (e.g. high fever, pain, GI symptoms)? New mutant or other 🦠? Chinese people received 2-3 doses of Inactive COVID 💉, is it related to Ab-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)? twitter.com/TheresaAFallon…
We are leading Movement of Declaration of Independence in China - to cripple communism in 🇨🇳 by exposing Chinese to founding principles of 🇺🇸, e.g. unalienable rights by God. Mr. Ma among us is arrested by CCP for spreading his declaration! @ShawnFleetwood thefederalist.com/2022/05/24/new…
W/ @JennPellegrino @NEWSMAX on Apr 18 • As agreed in the hearing, we must focus on PLA’s BIOWEAPON program • #COVID19 🦠 was developed using ZC45 🦠, from 2015-2018, & most likely completed in early 2019 • What else in labs under CCP? • How to prevent the future disasters? twitter.com/translatev_1/s…
4. Winter Olympic is coming. CCP controls all the information. • Is the pathogen from nature or weaponized? • Whether such pathogen(s) from 🇨🇳 will spread worldwide like #COVID? • Will it cause a pandemic again? It requires a full investigation. People must know the truth!
@CollinRugg ‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews! Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
Taiwan reported Acute Encephalitis in Children as a serious Covid-19 complication. 5 deaths of that in 29 severe COVID cases under 12. But doctors only suggest vaccination or suspend class. Why NOT investigate COVID ORIGIN -ask what CCP has done in the 🦠? cna.com.tw/news/ahel/2022…
Wuhan Institute of Biological Products is NOT Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Both Institutes work for CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Program. Scientists there are awarded by Xi JinPing after the pandemic. More PLA labs are involved in Bioweapon Program. wibp.com.cn/ChsMobile/Defa…
If the other governments CAN’T figure out or DAREN’T admit that CCP released its Unrestricted Bioweapon -SRAS2- to cause the pandemic & killed millions of people, then hold 🇨🇳 accountable, 🇨🇳 will brag their trophy & further grab your 💰, rights, & lives! We don’t have much time! twitter.com/HillelNeuer/st…
“The only plausible assessment the agency could make is that #COVID 🦠 which killed over a million Americans originated in a Chinese Communist Party-controlled lab whose research included work for 🇨🇳 MILITARY," Ratcliffe will say.👍 #UnrestrictedBioweapon foxnews.com/politics/ratcl…
British Dr. Jeremy Farrar @JeremyFarrar privately condemned pandemic sparked by ‘Wild West’ experiments in Wuhan. But he dismissed #COVID lab origin in public. Now, WHO gave him one most prestigious role: Chief Scientist. Btw, he has discredited my reports & me to mislead people!
One main reason is to brainwash the youth via TikTok. Also, big data can be collected via videos taken by them, which is an important way for CCP to analyze Americans and conduct the cognitive intervention for specific purposes. It’s part of CCP’s cognitive war against Americans. twitter.com/JimBancroft202…
Not that breaking actually 😎 It’s crystal clear from the beginning that COVID-19 virus is weaponized from CCP’s military-civil fusion system. The Unrestricted Bioweapon Program is Xi JinPing’s National Strategy, and that’s why he awarded so many scientists after the pandemic! twitter.com/TexasLindzay/s…
If only 1 function enhanced in SARS2, it might be an accident after Gain-Of-Function. However, with insertion of FCS, modification of hACE2 RBM, serial-passage using hACE2🐭 for cross-species adaptation, E protein 100% identical as bat CoV ZC45...#COVID19 🦠 is weaponized by PLA! twitter.com/dasher8090/sta…
Latest study on Lancet: (The study) estimates of effectiveness of full vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection are significantly lower than those reported in the clinical trial that led to the approval of BNT162b2 in children (90·7% in the approval trial vs 29·4% in this study). twitter.com/TheLancet/stat…
To note, the virus expert Dr. Lanying Du, who worked in NY blood Center with long-term collaboration with 🇨🇳 military, has moved to Georgia State University recently. Why did Du suddenly leave NY with NIH grants? What will she do in BSL-4 lab in Georgia?👇🏻postdocjobs.com/posting/7074391 twitter.com/realMaryFannin…
I was on Joe Hoft Show at 93.3 on Friday • #COVID19 virus was intentionally released out of labs in Wuhan by CCP regime & military • Accidentally, the 🦠 got out of control then caused Wuhan Outbreak • It’s a step in CCP’s Unrestricted Bioweapon program thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/breaki…
What the hell under CCP’s anti-Covid lockdowns in curfew mode! 🤬 It’s not for public health at all, but a pure anti-human disaster! 💔 What a useful tool for Xi JinPing regime to control Chinese people! #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/O8f0hthyz95pLw…
I’m always asked about CCP’s “zero #COVID” data. My reply: -Never trust CCP’s data -When CCP required “zero”, no official dare to report (+) -Once outbreaks can’t be covered up, CCP always insisted the 1st case was “imported”. They blamed from people to cold chain supply to mails twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
請看「方菲訪談」,今晚播出上集採訪: 中共用獵狐計劃針對我;我為何判斷病毒來源有問題;揭示中共生物武器計劃的兩本書 youtu.be/ARNq4zDcTQQ