Dr. Li-Meng YAN(@DrLiMengYAN1)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Dr. Fauci lied. DAPRA didn’t funded Gain-of-Function in 🇨🇳. Fauci must tell what he knew about coronavirus work NIH funded in WIV via EcoHealth 👉🏻Q: What else CCP has done using NIH 💰 in GOF? What happened to #COVID19? It’s from 🇨🇳 labs, is it weaponized? youtu.be/_zgoENmeddA
Please follow us - Movement Of Declaration Of Independence In China! Mr. Ma @YaYa20221010 was arrested by CCP for at least lifetime sentence - in pursuit of freedom in his Declaration of Independence after @lude_media advocate! CCP & Xi are scary off self-awakening and courage!
Dr @quay_dr testified in the Senate: #COVID 🦠 has signature of gain-of-function research, with features of 2 types of forbidden gain-of-function research that are associated with BIOWEAPONS development, asymptomatic transmission & immune system evasion. - Verified AGAIN! ✌🏻
“WHO warned next pandemic could be on the scale of The Black Death; Prof Woolhouse says something more major could be on the horizon” - WITHOUT accountability of intentional release of weaponized #COVID19 🦠 & misinformation by CCP, we will NEVER be safe! dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
Dr.Fauci’s friend Robert Gallo claims to find out origin of #COVID is useless for public health. It reminds me an event recently:The chained lady was kidnapped, raped, sold& abused by bastards for 20+yrs, but CCP gov stopped the investigation to protect human trafficking business
Wow! Why did Porf. Kristian Andersen @K_G_Andersen outburst on Elon @elonmusk? As a US expert who promotes nature-origin of #COVID19 since Feb 2020, Andersen has got $millions of grants from Dr. Fauci during the pandemic. He also lied to media to smear me and lab-origin evidence!
Prof. Luc Montagnier is a hero who advocated the CCP’s lab-origin of #COVID19 from the beginning of the pandemic! R. I. P. 🙏🏻 #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/france_soir_en…
Besides Dr. Fauci & Peter Daszak in EcoHealth, there are more comprised scientists like Dr. Gigi Gronvall @ggronvall in John Hopkins U helped CCP’s misinformation campaign. Gigi’s efforts in nature-origin of #COVID misled American investigators a lot! Should she be investigated?
People are not allowed to talk or type or write anything, because it’s not Positive Energy according to Xi-CCP. So Chinese holding blank papers protest everywhere. Here is a statement from M&G stationary Inc that supply of A4 papers is suspended for national security 🤡 #Freedom
Bioweapon General Wei CHEN in CCP’s Academy of Medical Science (AMMS)is not only the 1st scientist to develop #COVID19Vaccine, but also the 1st to develop Ebola hemorrhagic fever vaccine & conducted clinical trial using Chinese&Africans in the world (in 2015). Isn’t it “amazing”?
請大家把中共各地近期實施的出血熱或鼠類相關傳染病的應急演習或防控條例匯集到我這條推下面(帶原文連結和截圖)🙏🏻 Please tweet the recent emergency drills and control policies of hemorrhagic fever or rodent-related infections diseases in 🇨🇳 here (with links & pic like 👇🏻) twitter.com/XLCHEN19/statu…
@elonmusk Wow! Why did Porf. Kristian Andersen @K_G_Andersen outburst on Elon Musk? As a US expert who promotes nature-origin of #COVID19 since Feb 2020, Andersen has got $millions of grants from Dr. Fauci during the pandemic. He also lied to media to smear me and my lab-origin evidence!
Please don’t be panic. But we must know what happened! Q: Shall we rely on the experts like SAGO of @WHO (for novel pathogen origin) or Dr. Fauci? To note, Unrestricted Bioweapon = Bioweapon+Misinformation/Censorship (like natural-origin theory)! #COVID19 news.sky.com/story/amp/pati…
• A China CDC report in 2020: CCP has sent the 6th group of scientists to Sierra Leone(West Africa) to study Lassa virus & rats • CCP sent military to Liberia(W Africa) to anti-Ebola hemorrhagic fever since 2014 •CCP tested mobile BSL-3 lab to anti-hemorrhagic fever in 2015
CCP demanded some #COVID quarantine camps to be changed into crematoriums ASAP! Meanwhile, China CDC claims just 3 COVID death on 2nd Jan. Why does CCP cheat again on 🦠? Is there any new omicron-like variants with immune escape circulating in 🇨🇳? What’s PLA’s role this time?
Exclusive report by Col. Lawrence Sellin, Lude @lude_media & me. A Secret recording of a Chinese military meeting planning the invasion of Taiwan and the defeat of regional U.S. forces has reportedly been uncovered. (This info comes from a trusted source) thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/exclus…
Behind Putin, it’s Xi JinPing & CCP. They provided huge supports in the wars, including finance & Unrestricted Bioweapons! They have prepared both propaganda/misinformation and weaponized pathogens. The goal is to brainwash people that the “Bioweapons are from American bio-labs”! twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb…
俄羅斯駐華大使館通過微信公眾號,直接指出習和普京是共謀改變國際秩序,並且特意強調「考慮到了雙方2月4日在北京的會談結果」,甚是微妙。 現在擺在習帝和共面前的選項很簡單: 封號刪帖 - 等於和普京公開翻臉,請問黃俄主義有膽嗎? 不封不刪 - 等同習帝偕中共昭告天下此通告貨真價實,與美歐宣戰 twitter.com/lilyval1518706…
Our team is translating our exclusively obtained audio of PLA top confidential meeting on 14 May, 2022. The cost of the audio is many brave Chinese’s lives‼️🙏🏻 Due to military terms (PLA’s coding language) & special signals, we are also working on an coding-to-meaning version. twitter.com/lets_restart/s…
As I told @PeteHegseth on Fox And Friends today, the Senate Report by @SenatorBurr pointed out the direction of further investigation of Origin of #COVID19, which is an INTENTIONAL release from Wuhan lab by Xi Jinping and People’s Liberation Army foxnews.com/video/63145833… #FoxNews
Main scenarios of bioweapon propaganda from CCP 1. #COVID19 was released by 🇺🇸 in the Military Games in Wuhan in 2019 2. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is spread by lab monkeys escaped from the truck in PA 3. 🇺🇸 plans to release bioweapons in 🇨🇳 during Winter Olympics 4. 🇺🇦-🇺🇸 bio-labs
There were many opportunities to AVOID #COVID19 pandemic by CCP regime, after 🦠 got out of control in Wuhan. I tried to prevent it by revealing the truth since 19 Jan 2020 with @lude_media. However, Emperor Xi made the evilest decision to spread it all over the world! #Tribunal twitter.com/COVIDSelect/st…
1/2 Let me add more intelligence about the origin of #Covid • SARS2 was kept in Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, which is a military-civil fusion company • PLA approved the release of 🦠 to the community for the military drill in Sep 2019 in Wuhan science.org/content/articl…
Dr. Fauci would admit Gain-of-Function modification of COVID 🦠in CCP’s labs, if he realized that CCP has conducted “elite capture” of him & moved to the next step - abandon him as a“useful idiot”! Again, it was not an accident leakage from lab. Verify it! businessinsider.com/fauci-china-of…
In Chinese Medical Encyclopedia(Project of National Publication Foundation, 2020), SARS coronavirus is listed as biowarfare agent with Ebola, Nipah, Hanta, Marburg virus & anthrax. Isn’t it helpful to understand that #COVID19 is an unrestricted bioweapon from CCP’s military labs? twitter.com/gcd_md/status/…