“To hold CCP properly to account for massive devastation in lives that its bioweapon inflicted on the entire world, it is necessary to thoroughly expose China’s advanced, sophisticated, sprawling offensive Biological Weapons program.”
By @ClareMLopez 👍
@Jim_Jordan From Jan, 2020, I told the public that I refused to help CCP to claim raccoon dog as the host of #COVID19🦠.
Because my investigation shows that raccoon dog is NOT the host at all. Now CCP claims that raccoon dog is the host as planned, and the nature-origin campaign is excited🤡
From Jan, 2020, I told the public that I refused to help CCP to claim raccoon dog as the host of #COVID19🦠.
Because my investigation shows that raccoon dog is NOT the host at all. Now CCP claims that raccoon dog is the host as planned, and the nature-origin campaign is excited🤡
From Jan, 2020, I told the public that I refused to help CCP to claim raccoon dog as the host of #COVID19🦠.
Because my investigation shows that raccoon dog is NOT the host at all. Now CCP claims that raccoon dog is the host as planned, and the nature-origin campaign is excited🤡 twitter.com/PhilippMarkoli…
Col. Sellin @LawrenceSellin has received numerous threats & crazy attacks by Miles Guo & his campaign NSFC, because he protected me by publicly revealing how CCP planned to hunt and kill me in 🇺🇸 in 2021!
Miles Guo was exposed as Xi Jinping’s agent & a fake dissident since then! twitter.com/LawrenceSellin…
Good job @DOJPH @FBI
Miles Guo (WenGui Guo 郭文贵) is a fake dissident.
As a professional agent trained by People’s Liberation Army, Guo actually acts for Xi Jinping to ensnare the real anti-CCP Chinese overseas, & spreads misinformation for XI-CCP in 🇺🇸!
Dr. Yan-Yong Jiang is the whistleblower from PLA, who revealed CCP’s cover-up of SARS1 outbreak in 2003. Therefore, he was persecuted and silenced by CCP until the last minutes of his life.
Dr. Jiang passed away on Mar 11, 2023. We appreciate his rightness and courage!
R.I.P. 🙏🏻 twitter.com/NewCenturyBaop…
The Voice of Dr. Yan
•According to CCP, It’s practical significance of infectious diseases in achieving Xi’s global dominance against 🇺🇸
• Vampires can’t walk around freely in the sunlight. Likewise, Xi-CCP regime is terrified of exposing #COVID19 origin
@TheChiefNerd Dr. Fauci still tried to deny the gain-of-function (actually WEAPONIZATION) in the development of #COVID19 in CCP-PLA’s labs.
The compromised scientists are essential in Xi Jinping’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Program. Without their efforts, the pandemic cannot be so destructive!
Dr. Fauci still tried to deny the gain-of-function (actually WEAPONIZATION) in the development of #COVID19 in CCP-PLA’s labs.
The compromised scientists are essential in Xi Jinping’s Unrestricted Bioweapon Program. Without their efforts, the pandemic cannot be so destructive! twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/s…
The investigation of #COVID19 makes Xi Jinping regime so nervous!
So CCP launched more attacks to discredit me. Meanwhile, they spread misinformation to hinder the investigation.
According to CCP’s instructions, CCP’s agents in 🇺🇸 are busy now, as shown here👇🏻
The investigation of #COVID19 makes Xi Jinping regime so nervous!
So CCP launched more attacks to discredit me. Meanwhile, they spread misinformation to hinder the investigation.
According to CCP’s instructions, CCP’s agents in 🇺🇸 are busy now, as shown here👇🏻 twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Some links of the article attacking me and @TuckerCarlson and @FoxNews and CCP’s lab-origin of #COVID on the largest 🇨🇳 state-run media. They have made videos circulating on WeChat and other apps too.
@CollinRugg ‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews!
Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
‼️Today, all the 1.4 Billion Chinese received the article from multi 🇨🇳 state-run media, to deny the CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19, and called for all the Chinese to hate me for revealing the truth with @TuckerCarlson on @FoxNews!
Xi & CCP are scary! And they want to eliminate me!
More details about Fauci’s assistant Prof. Ian Lipkin in the leaked emails, and Lipkin’s puppet Dr. Angela Rasmussen @angie_rasmussen on
nature-origin of #COVID19.
Published by The Yan Research on Nov, 2020.
zenodo.org/record/4283480 twitter.com/MarioNawfal/st…
@MarioNawfal More details about Fauci’s assistant Prof. Ian Lipkin in the leaked emails, and Lipkin’s his puppet on nature-origin of #COVID19.
Published by The Yan Research on Nov, 2020
“CNN Used Lies and Misinformation to Muddle the Water on the Origin of SARS-CoV-2”
@MarioNawfal The Voice of Dr. Yan
W @CharlesRixey
•WHY has the separation of powers gone for over 20 years in🇺🇸 public health, bio-research & biodefense systems?
•As long as such centralization exists, there’ll be another Fauci with similar consequences in the future
The Voice of Dr. Yan
W @CharlesRixey
•WHY has the separation of powers gone for over 20 years in🇺🇸 public health, bio-research & biodefense systems?
•As long as such centralization exists, there’ll be another Fauci with similar consequences in the future
“An extraordinary conversation with heroic Chinese physician Li-Meng Yan & Peter & Ginger Breggin that literally soars from the beginning with Dr. Yan’s sharing of her spiritual development since escaping from 🇨🇳” @MalcolmOutLoud @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD americaoutloud.com/the-making-of-…
Thank you @carolina_bonita, for your diligence on helping people to understand to truth of #COVID19.
And thank Dr. Margarita @TheRebelPatient for writing down notes here during the space!
When everyone demands the truth of COVID19 origin, it won’t be covered up anymore! twitter.com/carolina_bonit…
I will join @carolina_bonita at 5pm ET. twitter.com/carolina_bonit…
Where is the separation of power in 🇺🇸system of public health, bioreaserch & biodefense?
Guest @CharlesRixey
•From military professional’s view, #COVID19 🦠 should be a bioweapon
•But Dr. Fauci controls the voice
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 4pmET
@disclosetv Dr. Tedros @DrTedros & @WHO should answer👇🏻 first:
• Is it a “pure scientific” issue if Xi-CCP regime develops #UnrestrictedBioweapon #COVID19 🦠, then releases it on purpose in Wuhan?
• Is it “geopolitical” to hold the criminals who killed millions accountable in the pandemic?
Dr. Tedros @DrTedros & @WHO should answer👇🏻 first:
• Is it a “pure scientific” issue if Xi-CCP regime develops #UnrestrictedBioweapon #COVID19 🦠, then releases it on purpose in Wuhan?
• Is it “geopolitical” to hold the criminals who killed millions accountable in the pandemic? twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…