Stop suppressing such helpful studies of #COVID19 treatment!
“The study was based on a reasonable HCQ dosage (200 mgtid).”
“HCQ prescribed early or late, alone or in any association, was associated with significant protection from COVID-19-related death.”
“We had Hitler and today we have Putin and Chairman Xi.”
Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said at a meeting Thursday with Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te @ChingteLai.
Lai is set to compete for the ruling party in an election next January. twitter.com/business/statu…
The pins found in Miles Guo WenGui’s home are pure gold pins of PLA flag & badge, with identification certificates & special numbers.
According to 🇨🇳 military laws, it’s illegal to use PLA flag or badge for commercial use.
It indicates that Guo is a PLA agent and fake dissident! twitter.com/LawrenceSellin…
The Voice of Dr. Yan
w/ @LegoSilly
• During the pandemic, multi-dimensional cognitive interventions have deeply impacted our daily lives.
• #COVID19 origin is a fitting example of CCP’s convert action & strategic deception!
• What do we do to stop it?
To fight against CCP’s cognitive war using Correction of Error mechanism
w/ @LegoSilly
• CCP’s attacks against 🇺🇸 are multi-dimensional
• The dominance of cognition is the key for their winning
• How to ask WHY
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 4pm ET
When I realized that Miles WenGui Guo is an agent for Xi, & Guo tried to undermine my evidence of #COVID19 origin, I publicly revealed it with @lude_media & Col. @LawrenceSellin in Jul, 2021.
Guo’s plan failed. He claimed to send me back to 🇨🇳& led a lot of harassment against us! twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
The Voice of Dr. Yan
• When I told that zero evidence showed raccoon dog was the host after my investigation in Jan 2020, Dr. Leo Poon warned me to keep silent, “if not, you will be disappeared”
•“Raccoon dog” is strategic for CCP’s nature-origin theory.
Dear Leo, Please stop helping CCP! You asked me to secretly investigate #COVID19 origin for @WHO. Why NOT tell truth?👇🏻 “Of course, this is not direct evidence,” says Leo Poon @world_epidemic, a virologist @HKUniversity “but this is the best we can get now nature.com/articles/d4158… twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
@TomFitton Based on CCP’s documents, one important reason for making up the nature-origin theory is to avoid of liability!
“Although in theory compensation claims could be made in private international law, they in fact would face many legal hurdles and could not achieve the desired goal.”
“Washington Post columnist Josh Rogan said he thinks Fauci has rejected the lab-leak theory because promoting that would bring scrutiny on his record, including his support of gain of function research on viruses.”
•Why #COVID19 nature-origin campaign blamed raccoon dog as host?
•For CCP, if “COVID19 pandemic is an unexpected natural disaster with certain human factors mixed in, it should in principle preclude any liabilities”
The Voice of Dr.Yan
Sat/Sun 4pmET
One main reason is to brainwash the youth via TikTok. Also, big data can be collected via videos taken by them, which is an important way for CCP to analyze Americans and conduct the cognitive intervention for specific purposes. It’s part of CCP’s cognitive war against Americans. twitter.com/JimBancroft202…
Edward Haugland talks with me about my personal journey from exposure to the CCP to freedom, and my insights into this ongoing Cognitive War.
• Why I exposed CCP’s secrets of #COVID19?
• What we must do in America to fight back?
The honest words in Dr. Fauci’s mind:
“It would be molecularly impossible for any coronavirus naturally evolved into #COVID19 🦠 (SARS-CoV-2). BUT there are various wild animals which can be blamed as hosts: 🦇, pangolin, raccoon dog… None of poor animals can speak in English!” twitter.com/TheChiefNerd/s…
I will be on air with CIA award-winning intelligence analyst Edward Haugland, talking about my experience & insights of CCP’s cognitive interference.
The National Security Hour @MalcolmOutLoud.
Tue 7pmET
Wen 11amET
iHEART RADIO bit.ly/2mBrCxE
Thread by @SailorM42310635: 郭文贵什么时候开始暴露的?美国军方何时决定爆破此共特?为各位还原从“民心向郭”到“人人得而诛之”的事件始末
@COVIDSelect @POTUS Without being aware of CCP’s premeditated cognitive tactics, 🇺🇸 is played by 🇨🇳 in a sophisticated manner.
One typical example is the origin of #COVID19. As an unrestricted bioweapon, combined with cognitive interference, the 🦠 has taken over 1M Americans away in the pandemic!
Without being aware of CCP’s premeditated cognitive tactics, 🇺🇸 is played by 🇨🇳 in a sophisticated manner.
One typical example is the origin of #COVID19. As an unrestricted bioweapon, combined with cognitive interference, the 🦠 has taken over 1M Americans away in the pandemic! twitter.com/COVIDSelect/st…
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Guest: Edward Haugland
Compared to 🇨🇳, 🇺🇸 focuses on kinetic warfare much more than cognitive warfare. Without deepening reformation and overall improvement in the field of cognition, 🇺🇸 would lose its dominance in the world in future.
I reminded Steven Bannon to keep distance away from Miles Guo in July 2021, right before I exposed Guo publicly.
Unfortunately, Mr. Bannon didn’t listen to me. Instead, he continuously listens to Guo.
Yes. Miles Guo sponsored WarRoomPandemic. When Col. @LawrenceSellin revealed CCP’s plan of hunting me, Guo asked Mr. Bannon to ban Col. Sellin. In July 2021, I started to reveal Guo’s role of Xi’s SPY publicly, Guo asked Bannon to ban me from WarRoom and tried to kill me for Xi. twitter.com/waveorparticle…
Since July 2021, I reveal in public that Miles Guo is Xi’s spy and a fake dissident.
Btw, Peter Daszak knows I’m the first to reveal that Daszak is comprised by CCP to suppress CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19. It starts in Feb 2020, after Daszak helps 🇨🇳 to publish the Lancet Letter!
Is Cognitive War far away from Americans?
With Edward Haugland
•“Using cognitive intervention to implement strategic deception can make the enemy fall into cognitive bias…as a multiplier of national strength” - CCP
The Voice of Dr. Yan
Sat/Sun 4pmET
Easy version of Dr. Robert Garry’s #COVID19 nature-origin:
The dead guy hanging on the roof got 10 bullets in his head & heart, with his hands tied behind, while the gun was 10 miles away…it maybe…then could be…we don’t know…BUT he committed suicide - Homicide is conspiracy🙄 twitter.com/nicholsonbaker…