[📰] 220822 • NAVER ARTICLES Naver articles about #NI_KI’s arrival in Incheon Airport 💜 After visiting the page, don’t forget to click the 1st react button, recommend and share the article! Link in thread ⬇️ #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 230221 • TRENDS 'Ni-ki’ and '#rikiairbenderchallenge' is currently trending🔥 Engenes, let's join the challenge and have fun! 🤗 ⚠️ Please be very careful of 🔥while doing the challenge #NI_KI #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[💟] 221224 • GAYO DAEJEON 2022 Our rapper #NI_KI slaying his parts tonight 🔥🔥 #ENHYPEN_GayoDaejeon2022 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[▶️] 220621 • YOUTUBE #ENHYPEN MANIFESTO : DAY 1 Concept Film (J ver.) #NI_KI Cuts <How can someone be so handsome in this way 😍💖, our 🐥 can!💯> 🔗youtu.be/P51B1kdHVSk JUNCTION CONCEPT FILM #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN_J #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[🗳] 220327 • IDOLCHAMP ENGENES, please vote for #NI_KI in the category of " Best Main Dancer" on idolchamp, Let's aim for top #1 and win this for him, Fighting ! ✊🤎 🔗: promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📰] 230125 • ARTICLES Naver articles about #NI_KI 's arrival today at Gimpo International Airport from Japan 🛬 Make sure to react, recommend, and share! 💜 'ENHYPEN NI-KI, overwhelming visual' 🖇️ naver.me/5t49fQ9c #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN_members
[▶️] 220718 • YouTube #NI_KI's Close Cam 4K 'Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)' is out NOW! Like & Comment! 🔥 He looks absolutely ethereal 🤧 🔗youtu.be/pFUKa70uxa0 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members
[🗳] 220407 • WHOSFAN ENGENEs, please continue to vote for our maknae #NI_KI on whosfan ! let's increase his percentage and aim for rank #1, don't let his rank go down too. We will win this, Fighting ! ✊ #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📸] 220430 • NAVER POST #NI_KI's EN-LOG BEHIND PHOTOS ! 🔗: #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members (1/5)
[🎥] 220515 • KPOPFLEX #NI_KI ‘Tamed-Dashed’ ❤️ vid cr @.Iukaeya ENHYPEN IGNITE THE STAGE #KPopFlexWithENHYPEN #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 220708 • TWITTER TREND ‘riki’ and ‘Ni-ki’ are currently trending along with ENHYPEN WORLD TOUR 🔥 Have you seen the world tour announcement yet? #NI_KI will finally be able to return to Japan soon! 🥹❤️ #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[💟] 220607 About less than 1 hour to go befor le ENHYPEN on Coke Studio, are you excited as we are?? 🤩 MAGICAL SUMMER WITH ENHYPEN #イプニの魔法にかかる夏2022 #ENHYPENonCokeStudio #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📈] 220704 • TWITTER TRENDS 'RAPPER #NI_KI' is currently trending under the category of Music with 13.9k tweets! 🔥🤎 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
1. Our Legendary MC Ni-Ki - icondecotter.jp/?f=80460 2. ANNIVERSARYWITHMCNI_KI - icondecotter.jp/?f=80469 3. ENHYPENのオールナイトニッポ ンx (1) - icondecotter.jp/?f=80461 4. ENHYPENのオールナイトニッポ ンx (2) - icondecotter.jp/?f=80464
[📷] 220624 • INSTAGRAM Yuto of Pentagon posted a SELCA backstage today in his Instagram Story with our photogenic #NI_KI 💫 See it here: 👉instagram.com/stories/yuto_d… #니키 #ニキ #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키
[💟] 220328 • ANNX Let’s play a game while waiting for the show to start! Guess the guest in the #ENHYPENANNX photos below! Qrt / reply your answers along with tags~ MCニキありがとう #OurLegendaryMCNi_Ki #ニキとのANNXの思い出は宝物 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members Guest # 1
[📰] 230330• Naver Article #NI_KI: “charisma itself” 🔗 naver.me/G8tVRp3h View, click 1st reaction, and share! 🖤 #엔하이픈_니키 #니키
[📸] 220809 • Naver MCOUNTDOWN ParadoXXX Invasion 220804 — #NI_KI Photos! 🔗: m.post.naver.com/viewer/postVie… (1/2) #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #엔하이픈_니키 #니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[▶️] 220714 • BTOB Kiss The Radio Watch #NI_KI #JAKE & #SUNGHOON dancing to Future Perfect at 1.5X speed 🔥 🔗youtu.be/GILdfryyKxs #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[▶️] 220624 • FANCAM #NI_KI "BLESSED_CURSED " @.Music_Bank is available right now!🔥 🔗youtu.be/sFbLev5OoXU Don't forget to watch it and like it 💖😉 #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📸] 220704 • INSTAGRAM #NI_KI & #JUNGWON showing the point choreo for #FuturePerfect on @.billboard Instagram stories! 🔗 instagram.com/stories/billbo… #Manifesto_Day1 #ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[▶️] 220422 • MIX & MAX ‘MIX & MAX ENHYPEN #JUNGWON & #NI_KI Spotlight’ have exceeded 1M views 🔥🔥 🔗 youtu.be/_qA3IzbZJRk #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #니키 #엔하이픈_니키 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[🗳️] 220623 • K-KING Current Rank : 2nd 🥈 Don't forget to collect votes and save it for #NI_KI ! 👇 ▶️10 Ads per hour x (3 Hours) ✅DAILY Free Roll 🗓️Attendance 🔗 Android : play.google.com/store/apps/det… #니키 #ENHYPEN_NI_KI @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN